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  1. shaka_shaka

    When the clock stopped ticking in Hiroshima

    yeah mate and now the americans in ur neighbourhood and in my country. lets see what happens. :coffee:
  2. shaka_shaka

    Look at this videos!!!!!!!!!!

    :') thanks mate for sharing this.
  3. shaka_shaka

    When the clock stopped ticking in Hiroshima

    :victory: yay for the ch(im)amp(panzee)ion of democraacy :victory: :victory: yay for the b(aboon)oss of liberty :victory: :usflag: united states of america :victory:
  4. shaka_shaka

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    haha who cares, kashmir is going to be controlled by india. everytime pakistani intelligence/army tries to do something about getting kashmir back. someone just messes it up.
  5. shaka_shaka

    Bangladesh Army following model of Pak Army

    good for them :smokin: good for bangladesh :smokin: subcontinental people have a slave-ish mentality they dont deserve democracy technocratic military dictatorship ftw :sniper: :victory:
  6. shaka_shaka

    Al-Qaeda ready for nuclear attack on America

    the united states is dying. the economy will eventually collapse and israel will take over the middle east as the next super power. as for pakistan and afgh. US leaves them both. or if doesnt leave them, pakistan gives their soldiers nationalites and places to live. pakistan becomes the next...
  7. shaka_shaka

    Ground Zero mosque wins approval !!

    I am afraid if you dont pull out your troops out of pakistan stationed near our nuclear facilities and tarbela ghazi, baluchistan etc. you may have to appeal for more memorials.
  8. shaka_shaka

    Powerful solar storm to hit earth soon

    kiun macho man? pichli dafa tumhari *** jal gai thi solar storm se? :flame: u idiot. solar storms cant so nothing duh~ they only create awesome auroras oh wait... did u get an *aurora burn* last time?
  9. shaka_shaka

    The hottest women politicians!

    must... goo.... tooo.. ukraine..... :smitten: must... goo... too ... ukraine....... and denmark :smitten: must.. go... *the voice dies* :hang2:
  10. shaka_shaka

    Bilawal Bhutto: Born to rule, destined to fail

    love that comment! politicians in pakistan are the biggest FAIL ever. i support a technocratic government in pakistan, these politicians are morally and intellectually impotent. a fun fact: "people in interior sind go to the mazar (tomb ) of bhutto to supplicate" bhutto is like god...
  11. shaka_shaka

    This why China needs a strong navy :

    whatever china is doing down there, shes doing for her own good. so pakistan must leech as much benifit as he can. who knows china allies itself with india tomorow? if its good for chinese trade that is. foreign policy of pakistan is and has always been completely fucked because its run by...
  12. shaka_shaka

    Powerful solar storm to hit earth soon

    super cool! awesome! lets see if something happens. *fingers crossed*
  13. shaka_shaka

    ISI chief cancels UK visit

    ISI makes altaf piss in his pants thas why he would never come to pakistan. mustafa kamals credit can not be taken away. your source ?
  14. shaka_shaka

    ISI chief cancels UK visit

    i seem to have touched a nerve. *smirk* are you one of those idiots who sits down with his hands closed and head down with great respect when altaf bhai is screaming on the phone line. its better to avoid sentimentalism, this is a no non - sense place. if you have something to say, say it...
  15. shaka_shaka

    Reasons for high fertility rates among Muslims?

    this is a very important video concerning the fertility rate among muslim you need to watch. in pakistan however. people in urban areas are increasingly going to family planning and have few children. in rural areas however, due to poverty, people dont care about family planing and want as...
  16. shaka_shaka

    ISI chief cancels UK visit

    this is why. pakistan army and ISI never trust politicians especially PPP. if zardari cancels this visit, which is never going to happen in my opinion. it would either be if: internal situation goes totally wrong and he thinks in his abscence, army will take over, which is also NOT a...
  17. shaka_shaka

    10 Best Intelligence Agencies in the World

    :sniper: this article has no basis. do we really need others to tell us that ISI is the best. ? ? ?
  18. shaka_shaka

    US extremist wanted to Burn Quran

    :hitwall: and then the US expects the muslim world to like them. :coffee: i happen to know a few very sensible americans who would condemn such things. but there are also people like KKK and zionists and neocons. :flame: just like any society at any point of time in the history, the...
  19. shaka_shaka

    I need your help fellow brothers

    welcome :victory: :coffee: :smitten:
  20. shaka_shaka

    The changing face of the pakistani army

    thanks! then this article must be for good! :)
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