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  1. Jet Li

    Defence alert over Pakistan's air space violation

    good going paf pilots. keep it up. :cheers:
  2. Jet Li

    Was Partition worth it?

    really kid don't be naive, nobody is going to fall for your pseudo happiness and friendship.
  3. Jet Li

    Was Partition worth it?

    why? north, south, east, west indians all hate each other. everybody hates indian punjabis and vice versa. kashmiris hate everybody. all indians hate each other and discriminate against each other (caste system, etc.). sikhs don't like to mingle with hindus in india, muslims in india keep their...
  4. Jet Li

    India- Pakistan Friendship Thread

    we don't want friendship, if we did we would not have created our own country as we felt we had too because we are the better people (in my opinion).
  5. Jet Li

    When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?

    ^^ I agree U.S.A. is among our closest allies. :usflag: :pakistan:
  6. Jet Li

    'India, Pakistan were close to Kashmir accord'

    it is inevitable that india will cave in to pakistan demands
  7. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    so what you are saying india is entitled to have citizens terrorize its Muslim popuation with impunity. not suprising.
  8. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    Why deviate with nonsensical replys to obscure the ground realities? An exception is when an indian talks negative about india. Then they are being 100% honest.
  9. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    why deviate from the topic at hand. too scared to face reality? if you really want to know i tend not to read what any of you indians write because you people lie alot. i'm serious you guys lie about everything and when you guys are not lying the posts are annoying, so damn annoying like the...
  10. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    Tell us, what have Muslims been upto since 1947? For you to post such bullshit, tell us, what have Muslims been upto? Last I recall in 1947 they were feeling to Pakistan to avoid hindu persecution. and millions of them were killed. WHO KILLED THEM? HINDUS. THATS RIGHT. OR DID YOU FORGET?
  11. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    so long for secular peaceful nonviolent india. :rolleyes:
  12. Jet Li

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism

    India must face up to Hindu terrorism India's anti-minorities bias is so strong that it has failed to acknowledge the threat posed by Hindu radicalism Wednesday 19 January 2011 The Indian state's pro-Hindu stance has left it unwilling to tackle Hindu extremism. Photograph...
  13. Jet Li

    When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?

    YouTube - Musharraf says India has a hand in creating trouble in Balochistan
  14. Jet Li

    When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?

    YouTube - Musharraf tells how India is playing anti-Pakistan role in Afghanistan :sniper:
  15. Jet Li

    India creating ‘anti-Pakistan’ Afghanistan: Musharraf

    YouTube - Musharraf: India creating anti Pakistan Afghanistan YouTube - Musharraf tells how India is playing anti-Pakistan role in Afghanistan
  16. Jet Li

    When will we stop blaming the rest of the world?

    -It is clearly been proven that CIA is operating in Pakistan, but they are not apart of the problem they are apart of the solution to rid our nation of terrorists as they are collaborating with the ISI. :usflag: -R.A.W. is involved in Baloch Insurgency. R.A.W. was involved in East Pakistan...
  17. Jet Li

    The term P.A.K.I.

    Is the term P.A.K.I. offensive/racist term to Pakistanis I have read that it is and it is not. One strong argument is that it is not a racist/offensive term, as calling a Pakistani a P.a.k.i is no different to calling someone from Britain a Brit. Please vote in the above poll. Thanks...
  18. Jet Li

    Do Indians consider themselves Middle Eastern or Asian?

    indians aren't Aryans, they are dravidians so they must consider themselves as south asian indians.
  19. Jet Li

    Hu Is Formally Welcomed to U.S. (and White House is turned into a Chinatown)

    official picture gallery. :cheers: President Hu Jintao of China: Official State Visit | The White House
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