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  1. Dance

    Kashmir will exist but Pakistan won't | Rajyavardhan Sing Rathore

    I really hope this party is elected. BJP will be extremely advantageous for Pakistan
  2. Dance

    Mahmud Ghaznawi: Loved by Afghans and Pakistanis but hated by Indians

    They are a tribe from Pakistan, in Balochistan mainly.
  3. Dance

    Govt and TTP agree to Ceasefire

    Bomb kills two pro-government militia members in Darra – The Express Tribune
  4. Dance

    new provinces must be made: Altaf Hussain

    New provinces should be made but only on administrative basis. A lot of the areas in current provinces are neglected because money is usually spent on one area of the province (Karachi and Sindh, Northern vs Southern Punjab, etc)
  5. Dance

    89% Pakistanis say suicide bombing is 'never justified' | PEW Report.

    Why do only 65% of the people in Pakistan have a negative view about the taliban?
  6. Dance

    PA warns tribesmen from selling property to Afghans

    Yeah hopefully they can't start cracking down on afghans who obtain CNIC by fraud and the officials who grant them. This needs to be implemented all over Pakistan, they are a threat to Pakistan
  7. Dance

    PA warns tribesmen from selling property to Afghans

    LANDIKOTAL: The Jamrud political administration issued a decree on Sunday stating any tribesman found selling property to Afghan citizens would be fined Rs5 million and expelled from the area. Assistant Police Agent (APA) Jehangir Azam Wazir said the order was passed after it was uncovered...
  8. Dance

    PPP's Zamurud Khan ends Islamabad drama

    We're just going to suffer PPP's praises for a couple of weeks. I love how 5 years of misrule, terror, corruption, and neglect is forgotten due to this one event
  9. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    the guy is in critical condition. Shot in the lungs (Sikander)
  10. Dance

    PPP's Zamurud Khan ends Islamabad drama

    He was brave but just got lucky in my opinion. A lot could have went wrong due to his actions.
  11. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    Heard Sikander was shot in the lungs too and is in critical condition. Also that his wife was Arab.... Geo is acting as if Zamrud Khan is some kind of superhero. Give me a break!
  12. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    I'm pretty sure he's mentally ill but I wouldn't be surprised if he was jobless or had lost everything he had in the flood or something (thats not an excuse for his crazy actions). The more law and order breaks down and the more you have frustrated and angry people become, be ready for more...
  13. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    Now the question to ask is why? Why are citizens in Pakistan turning to violence and terrorism? The government needs to wake up and start taking things seriously. Theres are millions of Sikanders out there
  14. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    Just keep in jail or send him to a psychiatric hospital for the rest of his life. His wife should be sent to jail for life.
  15. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    They're saying now that Sikander is a drug addict.
  16. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    He is probably is suffering from some mental illness. I don't think he was very dangerous necessarily but his actions led to this.
  17. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    What about his wife? It would be a mistake to let her go
  18. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    This is why the media in Pakistan needs to be controlled. I'm all for freedom of the press. But when these people start endangering lives and harming the interests of the people, they need to be stopped.
  19. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    They shouldn't leave the wife either. Just take their children into safety and take the wife and husband.
  20. Dance

    Guy holding AK in Blue Area Islamabad

    Then they should change that norm. When you're in war, these norms like that should not matter. Only safety should of the country should. Theres been so many women suicide bombers in the past.
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