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  1. Menes

    AP Exclusive: Egyptian nuke report expresses worry Cairo could be lumped with Iran, S

    AP Exclusive: Egyptian nuke report expresses worry Cairo could be lumped with Iran, Syria GEORGE JAHN Associated Press November 12, 2010|10:15 a.m. VIENNA (AP) — Egypt fears being grouped with the likes of Iran and Syria if a U.N. investigation into traces of highly enriched uranium found...
  2. Menes

    The Ramadan War: The Battle for Dignity

    I never heard about an Israeli historian who blamed Sadat for the outbreak of the war. Yes it is, and also photoshopped by Wikipedia editor Raul666!! It has nothing to do with our debate, you just brought it to derail the thread. I am not aware of any direct negotiations in 1975. No, US...
  3. Menes

    The war with china wont'be a trade war;It'll be the real one.

    No preemptive strikes?! :D
  4. Menes

    China map lays claim to Americas

    No, Pharaohs found it first. :D
  5. Menes

    Yosef: Gentiles exist only to serve Jews

    But this lunatic has 11 members in the Knesset, and is a part of a ruling coalition.
  6. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    Yeah, I heard about that before. I also posted here some info I found, about Pakistan's political role during 1973 war..
  7. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    Wow!! Very informative.. Thanks :tup:
  8. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    No, I am a liar. :lol: Waste of time..
  9. Menes

    'Cuban pilots flew 150,000 Jews from Arab states to Israel'

    Because zionists encourage jews to immigrate to Israel anyway. Jews were never mistreated in Egypt either.
  10. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    Sharon said in his memoirs that Israel received TOWs on 13 October. US began sending A-4 Skyhawks after 8 October. El Al airline transferred sensitive hardware to Israel on the first day of war. Israel received 117,895 tons of arms according to Ze'ev Schiff and Eitan Haber. Even South Africa...
  11. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    Thousands of western volunteers fought with Israel during these wars, including USAF pilots.
  12. Menes

    PAF Role in Defence of Arab Skies

    The article is talking about Egypt and Syria, not GCC.
  13. Menes

    The Ramadan War: The Battle for Dignity

    You will find out that most Israeli historians and politicians blame the Israeli government for the failure of Sadat's peace initiatives. Shlomo Ben-Ami says in the Scars of War, p. 135: "In the winter of 1971, Israel was clearly responsible, and Golda Meir must take the principal part of the...
  14. Menes

    The Ramadan War: The Battle for Dignity

    Palestine was not part of the plan. Unfortunately, Egypt was not supposed to liberate Palestine using MiG-17s and T-34s. :rolleyes:
  15. Menes

    The Ramadan War: The Battle for Dignity

    IDF PoWs in Sinai.. Israeli prisoner in Golan..
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