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  1. P

    How old are you?

    :lol: 23 years old...
  2. P

    How old are you?

    I turned 18 last month... :)
  3. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    Not just in every thread brother. The indians are all over every Pakistani our forum,all over Pakistani YouTube videos....i'm just tired on this sh!t now.
  4. P

    Pakistan's Powerful Military

  5. P

    How long will Israel exist?

    I don't understand why....arabs look down on non-arab Muslims....quite pathetic really....
  6. P

    How long will Israel exist?

    They're not raping all Muslim Countries....just the arabs ;)
  7. P

    Arab World Importance

    Are the ppl from Kerela a lost tribe of Oman?...i think i read that somewhere....
  8. P

    Pakistan frees mentally ill woman after 14 years for blasphemy

    I'm Muslim....but i don't think somebody deserves these stone-age punishments if they don't agree with Islam.......
  9. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    I'm soo bored of indians...it's not even funny anymore... :(
  10. P

    Atif to collaborate with US rockers

    Dude,Atif's just a human(like me,and all Pakistanis) he's going to make mistakes....jeez...get over it jealous indians.
  11. P

    Arab World Importance

    I know not all arabs are bad- there's some good ones too :)
  12. P

    Arab World Importance

    No,there's no link between us two. I'm just tired of the arabrization of my country and people. Anyway,what's wrong in the comments i've made? It's all ture and it's my opinion.
  13. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    The non-online pashtuns are obviously living a normal life :)...i don't think they care/know about about the internet hatred :) And stay within your line....do you actually think we want to discuss our personal problems publicly with indians??
  14. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    Most Pakistanis consider Pashtun's from Pukhtoonkhwa as Pakistani-Pashtuns :D Also; Pashtun= Afghan. Pashtun's have a history with the people of Afghanistan- which is very dear to them.
  15. P

    Arab World Importance

    Time to wake up for all Pakistanis!! Stop living in your dream worlds and realise the reality!!
  16. P

    Arab World Importance

    Huuuuuuuuhh????? arabs + islam law = COLONIZATION BY ARABS!! (huge mistake) Have a look at north africans berbers for example..... You ain't fooling anybody arab.
  17. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    Yes,there are some ethnic tensions in Pakistan......just like anywhere else in the world.... :D
  18. P

    Pashtun Forum, specially made for Pakistani Pashtuns

    Which answer would satisfy you? ;)
  19. P

    Taliban - Behind the Masks - 26min Documentary

    It's just the tralior....i don't think the full documentary is out yet.....
  20. P

    How long will Israel exist?

    Close this thread. Anybody living in the real world knows- Million's of Jews can NEVER leave Israel. Pakistanis are once again being brain-washed in the name of Islam and "muslim brotherhood". Well,not going to work this time! My people will never risk their lives for facist arabs who...
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