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  1. S

    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    Dear Hasnain, this is what happens when you stick to web based forums for too long.... you will feel much better if you start doing something practically. There is no harm in being optimistic about your country. AllahHafiz.
  2. S

    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    Good job by Gambit and there is quality input though out this post. We need jet builders in all our Enginnering Universities because solid air power guarantees protection of a country's strategic assets. Enemy would think thrice before bullying Pakistan. This country needs Sattelite Busters...
  3. S

    JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter

    It is really nice to know that so many qualified people are taking part is such a positive debate. Everything ispossible and anything that one man can do, other can do. Designing and building a stealth fighter is not easy but also not impossible. You gotta adopt three important elements to...
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