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  1. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    gosh.... im a poor man. i was hired by jews to demonize islam. haah... do i lose the debate now..??? does this mean islam is true ???
  2. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    im not intrested in knowing what ure personal opinions are. whether in countries like india pakistan , indonesia sharia dominate politics or not is irrelevant to what i said. im not talking about what ure country's constitution talks about apostasy , im talking about what islamic law or sharia...
  3. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    like i said earlier , discussing history with muslims is of no use , becoz u guys are too brainwashed. u say islam wasnt spread by violence , then my frend how else do u think islam was spread ? by debates and open discussions..?? do u think even debating about islam is allowed in islam ...
  4. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    For ure offer , thanks but no thanks. i refuse ure offer. You either have read the Quran, the sira and the hadith or you haven’t. If you haven’t, read them before preaching to others about how wonderful Islam is sitting high on your moral horse.If u have then answer this- Do u know the...
  5. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    i rest my case here. goodbye to all.
  6. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    like i said earlier discussing history with muslims is a waste of time , all of them are too brainwashed too believe the lies. and material depicting the truth is banned in their countries. do u know in islam if a muslim wants to change his religion , then islam demands him to be killed..?? are...
  7. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    u can find heaps of videos on islamic scholars (the likes of zakir naik) who are renowned in muslim countries , who openly say non-muslims cannot worship and preach thier religion freely in muslim countries , becoz they believe 2+2=5. i will post u more articles and verces from quran later on...
  8. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    ok lets say im deluded. can u please tell me what are the characterstics of a democarcy in a islamic state..?? and dont give me these false history stories spoonfed to u in ure textbooks. (debate over history is futile , becoz muslims would never accept the truth.)
  9. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    like i said earlier , one cannot serve two masters at the same time. one cannot be loyal to democracy as well as the islam at the same time. being loyal to islam obviously means to establish sharia law and destroy democracy. u dont need much knowledge to see this.
  10. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    Islam exists peacefully and quietly in such circumstances only until it is in a position of strength to change the circumstances and conquer: to take control of the host. Islam always seeks to become a state-within-a-state wherever it makes inroads, with the ultimate goal of replacing the entire...
  11. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    Right now, today, western banks have succumbed to Islamic insistence on separate banking terms for Muslims. Sharia forbids Muslims from paying interest, so Muslims do not get mortgages with interest. They get a loan that has a “fee” instead. Of course liberals, who are Islam’s...
  12. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    Islam is not merely a personal faith like Buddhism and Christianity. It also is a complete political ideology and legal system, and that is Sharia law. It asserts the universal supremacy of Islamic law over every religion, every nation, and every other system of law and government. Those who do...
  13. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    Islam and democratic Constitution cannot merge. They cannot mix. The oil-and-water analogy would be the easiest to make, but the more accurate one, in the case of Islam and the Constitution, is that of a parasite and host. As it has done with other cultures, Islam uses religious...
  14. G

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    1- Muslims come to other states as economical refugees, receive all the benefits that these gullible seculars give them and then stab them in the back, bomb their cities and try to kill them. 2- Muslims lie whenever the truth can’t get them what they want. They lie about their loyalty...
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