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  1. P

    Both Taliban, India a threat to Pakistan: Musharraf

    It's tragic to see that Musharraf is still audacious enough to speak for his country after what he has done. He is a military man who by the nature of their training and have a perception deficit when it comes to India. (The same holds true for the Indian Military and defence establishment)...
  2. P

    26 shots that sent Pakistan over the edge

    That pewglobal photo is misleading, false and a fabrication. Perhaps it could be representative of a particular part in Afghanistan (Kandahar) or one/two ME Arab Sheikhdoms, but remember that Pakistan and India being part of the south east asian subcontinent, have generic roots of pluralism...
  3. P

    Dr. A.Q. Khan Exposes the MYTH of Thar Coal and Riko Diq

    AQ Khan's tone is patronizing and insulting. Insulting to Human Intellect and specifically to Pakistani Engineers. I know a lot of them and have working experience in overseas projects. No one in their right minds will give preference to a Chinese engineer over a Pakistani engineer. No...
  4. P

    'I'll show what a Muslim woman can do if given chance'

    With reference to Benazir Bhutto's photo in a short skirt, with due deference to fellow members, I would like to mention that the veracity of this has been established on various venues. A UN awarded project hijabskirt.info VIP has shown that Benazir Bhutto was a liberal and secular lady in...
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    'I'll show what a Muslim woman can do if given chance'

    The basic dichotomy appears when life is seen through a religious lens. The sub continent has been unfortunately been allowed to become hostage to religion. Both Hinduism and Islam have done a huge diservice to its followers. Women happen to fall into a category which has been side lined by both...
  6. P

    Germany to Pakistan: Terror for political goals unacceptable

    Lets stay on topic please. I agree in Principle with Merkel's statement but strongly disagree with the venue and timing. If we are to resolve our issues with Pakistan then we should address them with the Pakistanis directly instead of getting others involved. It only hightens the animosity and...
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    Zardari "would have no choice but to respond militarily to an Indian attack"

    It should be known to all that India would never instigate an attack on Pakistan. It has far more to lose than Pakistan.
  8. P

    Fresh Batch of Wikileaks Confirms Pakistani Leaders' Duplicity

    And what about the duplicity of the Pak Army Generals? Mr. Riaz you sound like Kamran Khan in one of his shows after the wikileaks, pounding the politicians and then sparing the army.
  9. P

    85 of Pakistanis said they would support a law segregating men and women

    I strongly disagree. The Pakistanis I know and the one's that I met once when I was there, have a very liberal outlook on life. I happened to go to some rurral areas and saw men and women mingling in the fields and where ever they had to carry out their daily chores. That was 15 years back, when...
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    Zaid Hamid commentary

    Just two questions please? Can any one pinpoint the Media affiliation of Brass Tacks. (Who is the sponsor)? Can anyone name the ladies who appear to be with him on these shows?
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    Religious Architecture in Pakistan

    Thanks Aashiq that's an excellent collection of photos. I happened to visit someof then when I visited Pakistan in the Mid 90's.
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    General Kayani and Nawaz Sharif

    It's a tragedy that to this very day a General is calling the shots in Pakistan. I would say what Kamran Shafi from Pakistan has always said. Zardari and Nawaz should get together and face their common foe "The Army".
  13. P

    Conflict between India, Pakistan not religious: Israel

    The division of the subcontinent had religious catalysts. But relogion was not the basis. M Ali Jinnah made it clear that Pakistan was supposed to be a modern republic not an Islamic one. The friction between both countries has faults with the eastablishment on both sides of the LoC. But Mark...
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