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  1. Chinna Gounder

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Thick heads,lamers,kid.....think tank huh..?:tdown: Who said NA and P-O-K are parts of Jammu and Kashmir.(or Indian Administered Kashmir).? Dont twist the words to suit ur needs. Wat i said in my previous post is that NA and P=O=K are parts of the former princely state of Kashmir which was...
  2. Chinna Gounder

    Arundhati says Cong is double-faced on Maoists

    Please distinguish between tribals and Maoists. Maoists are just an insane bunch who have hijacked the cause of the tribals for their own lust for power. And does the points justify killing hundreds of civilians in the name of revolution..? Can u remember how many telephone...
  3. Chinna Gounder

    India to develop missiles with France

    Same question we r asking u..wats wrong in it..?:what:
  4. Chinna Gounder

    India expanding military nuclear site: US think tank

    Still India has only 70-80 warheads...i dontr think so.. it could be anywere in the 150-200 range. But wat we should be concentrating now is the miniaturisation of the existing designs and increasing the yield to abt 250 kt.
  5. Chinna Gounder

    Saras: How much indigenous is it???

    Serioulsy wats the problem with our neighbours..? First they taunt us for not being unable to produce a fighter ,tank etc.. Second if we start producing them then they ridicule it by saying junk,doesnt work,plane doesnt take off etc.. Thirdly wen the fighter goes supersonic ot the tank beats...
  6. Chinna Gounder

    Arundhati says Cong is double-faced on Maoists

    Criticism for romanticising Naxalism notwithstanding, Booker Prize winning author Arundhati Roy has justified the armed resistance by Maoists and dared the authorities to arrest her for supporting their cause. While claiming that she does not support violence, the 48-year-old author-activist...
  7. Chinna Gounder

    Embraer Develops platform for DRDO AWACS ,20 more to be ordered

    This is a good move by the GOI... Keep the Phalcon for strategic uses and utilise this realtively low range yet cheap AWACS for tactical battlefield surveillance.
  8. Chinna Gounder

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    And did u know only 2% were in favour of accecssion to Pakistan..?:lol:
  9. Chinna Gounder

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Dude even in ur version of map....NA and P-O-K are shown in same colour....?wat dooes that mean... both are indisputable parts of Pakistan..?As some one said u serioulsy need to know how to read maps.
  10. Chinna Gounder

    Arundhati says Cong is double-faced on Maoists

    EXactly exactly exactly....hit the nail rite thu the forehead.. Why are we abandoning the brave sons in favour of these criminals..? And how much more we r willing to sacrifice? U stole the words right out of my mouth.....:agree:
  11. Chinna Gounder

    Arundhati says Cong is double-faced on Maoists

    yeah exactly mate....i have bhilai and Jamshedpur with my own eyes. The way they changed it ..once ur inside them u dont know ur in Bihar Theses leftist intellectuals (????) think that anything corporate is evil. It is as ridiculous as saying anything that walks with 4 legs is a dog...
  12. Chinna Gounder

    In India: Maoists are Pakistanis

    No dude....that is the military arm of the Communist party of India (Maoist). Even if the Original PLA doesnt suffer a defeat at India's hands this crony PLA will surely suffer.:lol:
  13. Chinna Gounder

    The Future of Kashmir? "Seven" Possible Solutions!

    Dude we have three things that are necessary to win a war - Manpower,willpower and moneypower,,all in abundance. So Kashmir stays in India...not going anywhere.:lol: Havent u heard of this famous quote by Gen.Patton..."The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other...
  14. Chinna Gounder

    Arundhati says Cong is double-faced on Maoists

    More than Enough reason to get rid of them.Dont want to loose my freedom to a bunch of Reds. May i know wat prompted u to say so..? Nope..its actually the only nationalist,secular party among a bunch of pseudo-sickular ones. please dont equate BJP with any fundamentalists.It only...
  15. Chinna Gounder

    Anti-Satellite System to Be Part of Indo-US Strategic Dialogue

    ASAT systems are a must for countries that maintain a large number of satellites in Space so that other countries will think twice before shooting them down. And i think India qualifies in this regard to have one.:agree:
  16. Chinna Gounder

    In India: Maoists are Pakistanis

    Yes Jana..the Maoists have already been declared as terrorists by the Govt. The 3 principal groups are Communist Party of India (ML) ,Peoples War Group and the Maoist Communist Centre. All 3 have been declared as terrorist organisations. Link - List of terrorist orgs
  17. Chinna Gounder

    Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal to overtake India’s: SIPRI

    Ever heard of a country that calls itself the middle kingdom..? Those nukes are for credible deterrence against them..;) In my opinion For Pakistan...India's conventional weapons are enough
  18. Chinna Gounder

    Hillary hints support for India's UNSC bid

    Hillary hinting that US mite support India's bid... They must have some demand and thus showing us the carrot of UN seat.. Sorry couldn trust America under Obama...:confused:
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