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  1. C

    What is the Best Capital City of South Asia?

    See, We are patriotic,we love our Pakistan:pakistan:,but we got to admit,that india is ahead of us. There is no point in slamming and throbbing at one another. :pakistan:
  2. C

    The Real Ugly face of Facebook [A Must Read]

    i don't know why muslims are always considered low... :confused::cry: :pakistan:
  3. C

    What is the Best Capital City of South Asia?

    I have also heard about AIIMS.and DU, though i do not know what DU is lol :rofl:
  4. C

    What is the Best Capital City of South Asia?

    Yoh to all, Islamabad and Delhi are the best Islamabad has beauty and Delhi has the infra and tech! Both cancel and its a tie!:taz:
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