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  1. challenger

    No defence visits to China without resolution of visa issues

    Just two days ago: Organiser - Content
  2. challenger

    No defence visits to China without resolution of visa issues

    Thats not the sole reason. Otherwise, China would have no problem in accepting Indian defense personnel from the disputed area. China considers Kashmir as a disputed area. No need to bring Aksai Chin here.
  3. challenger

    China map lays claim to Americas

    Native Americans are lost tribes of China. Same DNA.
  4. challenger

    No defence visits to China without resolution of visa issues

    Sorry for this late reply as I was busy arguing on another thread. Which legal standing are you talking about, dude? If China's official standing that some area is disputed can't have any legitimacy to India then Indian Mc Mahan line can also be regarded by China as illegitimate. Moreover...
  5. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Its OK brother. He got confused. I apologize on his behalf. You know it very well, I am not Pakistani. Why bother? If Pakistani members think, I am making trouble here, I will disappear. This is a Pakistan forum, naturally Pakistani members will have the last say. But I am telling this to...
  6. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Buddy, no matter what, despite being an indian you have learnt Chinese language very well. Actually, I admire you. Very good.
  7. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Thats why I am saying I assume you and brotherhood as childhood friends. I believe you, lol. :lol: That says it all.
  8. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Whatever... I assumed you were childhood friends as per your claim. Again, I am saying, it is only Brotherhood who can ask me to disappear. I am bound to follow his orders. And I don't ask members' origin, ethnicity, etc. Even if a member with indian flags post pro China materials, I will...
  9. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    And he claims Brotherhood as his childhood friend. I am just curious, why Brotherhood didn't tell him anything about me.
  10. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Brotherhood knows why I am weak in Mandarin. Ask him why I am weak. BTW, only he has the right to issue orders to me.
  11. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Interestingly Brotherhood never questioned my origin. Nuff said.
  12. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    If he trusts you, he would definitely tell. I am sure. Well, enough off topic.
  13. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Then you should have known me. Don't troll.
  14. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Spare Brotherhood. He knows who I am.
  15. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    NO. Wrong conclusion. Second one is absolutely correct.
  16. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Sorry, such provocations won't work. You want me to post anti China materials here to counter your Japan problem. I won't do that. You try to create problem between China and Japan and between Pakistan and China. Keep trying. Best of luck.
  17. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Because banning me would serve your vested interests as you assume. Still, I am saying Japan kicked the British indians out of China. Long live Japan. I am not here to please you. I don't care if you like it or not.
  18. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    It is my individual opinion. I won't change my opinion, I don't change my opinion. Long live Japan. What can you do? Go ask the mods to ban me, because I support Japan. Go.
  19. challenger

    China's Summer Palace to mark looting anniversary

    Tell me where I said that. Indeed, some guys look ugly, think ugly and talk ugly.
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