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  1. Meeteepao

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    There are always methods for by-passing server proxies. But for the common internet user, the websites are "banned" :/
  2. Meeteepao

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    I believe you can, but they are linked to YouTube - which is blocked, so ultimatley you cant lol
  3. Meeteepao

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    Wikipedia isnt blocked, maybe it was a glitch. I couldnt access it myself a few minutes ago. FB and YouTube have been banned. Its official. Pakistan blocks YouTube over blasphemous material
  4. Meeteepao

    One liners :)

    Who are you waiting for? .... "Ze Germans"?! - Snatch (Movie)
  5. Meeteepao

    Asw Carrier /Helicopter Carrier in PN.

    I dont believe PN needs Aircraft Carriers. Aircraft Carriers are required for missions that require extremely distant targets to be struck. The overall idea behind owning one is that you want to increase your influence in a specific region. Look at the US aircraft carriers sitting in the...
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