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  1. P

    Muslim population grows up to almost 1.6 Billion.

    hope the rich muslims make the have-not muslims have anything to eat other than making an beeline to create more Jihadis
  2. P

    The source cods, the jet and the Control!

    how can u write or rewrite the code if u have no idea about the hardware..? we r not talking about few chips..but a dozen of VLSI's did u understand kiddie....if u look in any code in a textbook u will find most lines of code with some discription in the form of comments..do u believe all the...
  3. P

    Packaged Milk being sold is tainted with Melamine

    It seems these bas*e*ds got the idea from melanine scandal that took place in US from milk imported from China..i saw a video clip from a pak TV posted in this forum few weeks before (youtube) oil, melanine, formalin, detergent to make milk forthy was mentioned alderturants. how horrific poor...
  4. P

    The source cods, the jet and the Control!

    wahtz the use of code..if u have no idea abt the hardware part..? look in any complex system u will find modules & small embeded chips on board interconnected thru a network of tracks using about dozens layers of PCB and the semiconductors custom chips are mostly hardended to take care of...
  5. P

    Pakistan can defend its air space effectively and efficiently?

    thats right..i agree..thats history u were well off with US help & equipments..and India had modernnised its weapons like anything (Israel & US hightec systems etc )..the LR SAMS & AWACS & BVR missiles will cripple any defence within a few hours
  6. P

    Naxals Blow up civillian bus in Dantewada. 50 Killed

    It seems India is heading towards a Tiananmen style operation toward the maoists.. GOI is hesitating to use Army against its own citizens.. (Killings its own citizens by the killing machines ie Army/ Air force operation)
  7. P

    Pakistan can defend its air space effectively and efficiently?

    all FUTURE IND-PAK wars will be manupulated by ISRAEL..the jamming , long range SAM's will tested in war..hope WAR doesn't takes place
  8. P

    The source cods, the jet and the Control!

    I agree 100%.. The security of a microcontroller is that the code cannot be extracted...and can be made copy proof
  9. P

    The source cods, the jet and the Control!

    whatz the use of source codes when all the code is compiled & burned into embeded chips...? but the fire control devices can be programmed to deactivated whenever the aircraft enters certain lat/ longitude..also certain weapons systems cannot be integrated like BVR missiles in Egyptian F16... by...
  10. P

    USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

    This China ***** spread should be curbed...
  11. P

    China's Huawei offers to share source code

    see yourself the China...that beats the sub continent..aren't we [Ind Pak] the luckiest see the pics...
  12. P

    HQ-9 Air Defence System acquired by PAF?

    to sum up the thread....I always felt there won't be any further war between IND & Pak ..so since threz military parity..but reading in this forum has given me ample ideas that India is getting more hightec stuff and the military balance is going over the roof favouring INDIA alarmingly..even...
  13. P

    USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

    Thrz a simple way to defeat that key stroke recorder... for eg: if ur password is asim open another window of browser.. type a in ur password field type anything in that other browser window then again type s in psswrd field then again type **** in browser window repeat that again...
  14. P

    USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

    these things happen becoze of poor browsing habits of techies....their personal systems gets infects with a trogen / virus..they bring the same systems and plug into office networks or use thumb drives to transfer data between personnal & official systems..once the official system are infected...
  15. P

    Eunuchs To Defend India ?

  16. P

    Eunuchs To Defend India ?

    Old news indeed..5 days old..is a long period in todays times dear..GROWUP !!!
  17. P

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 3]

    good thoughts... PAF is soo sure that an Indo-pak war would never break in the first place..leave alone countering SU30MKI
  18. P

    Please check and help!

    THIS LINE IS ENOUGH of ur advertisement.....get lost !! pakdefenceforum rules.. Ind pak & Bangl Zindabad
  19. P

    Top Indian Myths about Pakistan!

    these may not be true...BUT PAK SELF DEFEATING MENTALITY TOWARD INDIA IS COSTING HER TOO MUCH...WHAT DID PAK ACHIEVE BY BS STRATIGIES like 1000 cuts and conquering Kashmeer ? Whr r u wrt INDIA ..in which field ur ahead...terrorist manufacturing ? read else whr that US (even Israel) will side...
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