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    Ramadan Mubarak!

    We realize that this year the holy month of Ramadan comes at a time of great trials and hardships in Pakistan - with hundreds and thousands internally displaced people, terrorist attacks almost on a daily basis. Ramadan has been known as a time for self-reflection, compassion, and spreading...


    One of my personal favorites. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ' - Alvin Toffler Haroon Ahmad DET - U.S. Central Command United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL -...

    United States Helps Pakistani IDPs

    It is estimated that over half a million people have left their homes in FATA and South Waziristan; the consequences of military operations against the terrorists. In scorching summer and the month of fasting, Ramadan approaching it will be harder on families, who have left their homes to get...

    Possible Strategy for Zarb-e-Azb

    We have said this before and we repeat that sometimes war becomes necessary to bring about sustained peace. No one will know this better than us. We understand the predicament of the Pakistani military and we also understand the common enemy that they are after. No one can deny that millions...

    Pakistan, Afghan officials vow alliance on terrorism

    It is great to see the regional partners emphasize the importance of bilateral security cooperation. The ongoing clashes with the terrorists on both sides of the border require both countries to remain unified for the betterment of the region. It is no secret that Afghanistan and Pakistan have...

    USA vs Germany

    Lived to fight another day :) Haroon Ahmad DET - U.S. Central Command U.S. Central Command - Government Organization | Facebook

    USA vs Germany

    They are both playing an amazing game. Maybe Portugal will increase our chances of qualifying! Haroon Ahmad

    USA vs Germany

    Yes, we are the underdog, oh but the heart wants what the heart wants! :) Haroon Ahmad

    USA vs Germany

    Just out of curiosity, is anyone, on this forum, supporting the US team against the German team today? I personally wish for a draw so both teams could advance to the next stage! Haroon Ahmad DET - U.S. Central Command United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL -...

    Most wanted terrorist Umar Pagal arrested by intel agencies in Islamabad

    It is so true that terrorists may create mayhem and terror but ultimately they do get caught or killed. Congratulations to Islamabad Police on their valiant efforts on apprehending a wanted terrorist. One less enemy to worry about! We stand united with the people and security forces of...

    Pakistan Army CJCSC Official Visit to USA

    Here are some pictures taken of Pakistani General Rashad Mahmood, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC), from his recent official visit to the United States. Gen. Mahmood participated in an Armed Forces Full Honors Wreath Laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington...

    Garments export to EU up by 30.68pc

    That great news! The potential is clearly there and I hope Pakistan continues to strive forward. Ali Khan

    Gen Mahmood discusses defence cooperation with US

    Our officials from the highest level have been regularly communicating and coordinating in regards to our shared objectives in the region. These meetings allow us to address any shared concerns and build on our improving relationship. We are going through a very crucial phase in regards to...

    Ten Pakistani Universities Ranked Among Top 300 in Asia in 2014

    That's pretty impressive. I have no doubt the students from these universities have a bright future ahead of them. Pakistan has so much to offer and it's un Ali Khan Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    Good Luck and may your soldiers be safe. Haroon Ahmad DET - U.S. Central Command United States Central Command - Urdu - MacDill Air Force Base, FL - Government Organization | Facebook

    We support Pak Forces operation ZarbEAzb against Zalimans!

    We hope that the military operation, Zarb-e-Azb is successfully conducted by the Pakistani armed forces. For years the Pakistani military and security forces have endured many casualties in their fight against militants in this area. Attacks such as the one on Karachi airport, near GHQ...

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    After years of unprovoked attacks and over 50,000 civilians and military men killed, the Pakistani nation had enough of this menace of terrorism that has plagued the nation for long. We have seen them reject terrorism in various recent polls. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki said, “This...

    Taliban threatens to burn palaces in Islamabad, Lahore

    Once again, a terrorist leader is threatening civilians with revenge attacks; and mainly those who are actively participating in the economic progress of Pakistan. Pakistan has long been plagued with terrorism; a recent example of which we have seen at Karachi airport. It is has been unfortunate...

    Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

    It is easy to indulge in the blame game and forget that we are trying to achieve same peace objectives in the region. Those who are working to destabilize the region would love to see friction between both nations. We must realize that we’ve come too far and made too many sacrifices to let our...

    Army chief chairs meeting of Formation Commanders

    : It is a clear fact that sometimes in pursuit of peace; the treacherous road to “war” has to be taken. After recent terrorists’ attacks, and thereafter, the TTP proudly claiming responsibility of these cowardly acts would leave no nation any choice but to go after those who threaten the safety...
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