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    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    sorry, at least It was an empire. you didn't have a simple civilzation lol do you want me to start debating about the things you said? I'm sure you wouldn't like the things I'm going to say according to wikipedia:

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    sorry but Iran has never made false claims about others' lands. You don't need to be a genius to know who will win a war between Iran and Egypt. We're talking about countries such as America and Israel and then he comes and talks about Egypt. lmao It's like you talk about the F-! races and...

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    is killing innocent people with chemical weapons something to be proud of? lol Iran has the most advanced biological research and industry in the ME and It has the ability to purify or vaporize any type of biological microorganisms to produce biological weapons and already It possesses a large...

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    you are not even good at painting things unfortunately. those are old claims. if we want to take into account what the westerners have said so far, Iran's economy must've gone bankrupt! tic tac.

    Women With Suntans Face Arrest in Iran

    in fact there are a bunch of topics that should be covered about Iran but unfortunately It can't be covered due to the lack of a section for Iran.

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    lol. you are good at joking. no one doubts that Iran has produced the Jamaran frigate, even the US media confirmed it. I'm dying over here. I didn't know that egypt is thaaat advanced but still it can't survive without the help of the west for one month. if you are that advanced and self...

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    It seems that you can't even understand your own language xD no one said Iran wants bahrain back, they want the 3 islands back? we took the custody of the 3 Islands afer the British invasion of them to stop claiming about Bahrain. the 3 islands are ours and we have enough documents to prove it...

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    I don't even bother myself to read your claims about the PERSIAN gulf. and yes, the Islamic republic of Iran occupies the apple polishers' lands. let's not go into a debate on which country is more advanced in science. Iran is the first middle eastern country to successfully clone an animal...

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    go some posts up, answer my question about the conspiracy theory thing. xD because we want to defend our rights it doesn't mean we're planning for a new persian empire. each country has the right to defend what is hers.
  10. QWECXZ

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    wait a minute tough boy. correction, the Persian gulf is Persian and nothing is going to benefit arabs in this case. we didn't occupy the 3 Islands, they are ours. we traded them with bahrain. give us bahrain back, take back your 3 islands. if not, close your mouth before we occupy your other...
  11. QWECXZ

    Israeli Air Force Gears up to Strike Iran.

    1) actually right now They are in possession of ~200 nuclear war heads and no one cares about the disarmament of Israel. 2) Iran's military doctrine is based on position of defense
  12. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    yes :D That's exactly What I wanted to make you admit. you just admitted that you've been brainwashed by the streotype to believe all Iranians are ill-informed yes, you are an american, but you attack those students who protest against the Israeli embassador's speech under the name of law. you...
  13. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    the same question applies to all of us,even you. doesn't it? are you saying that all of the things I said are lies and they have never happened? I don't get the point of what you said. plus, It's not about my feelings. I'm not an emotional person to be honest, all of the things I'm saying are...
  14. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    am i doing so? and haven't you been doing that for decades?
  15. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    Exactly! Bravo Solomon. You and I are both saying the same thing. If someone occupied your lands, they killed your wife, they raped your children, they used D-U bombs that can harm your future's gene pool and your future generations, they used white phosphorous on you, they destroyed your house...
  16. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    sorry, I might've misunderstood you, but are you saying that "double standards" is just a label or a conspiracy theory?
  17. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    I agree with you that radical muslims are not few, but we can't condemn only them. why have they become intolerant? when justice fades away and injustice takes the room, the world becomes the jungle we're seeing now. the world has been ignoring their rights and their complains for several...
  18. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    and making fun of religious icons can't be considered as the spread of falsehood and the denial of truth in any case? freedom of speech is meaningful only when double standards have been faded away.
  19. QWECXZ

    Islamophobia [Dedicated Thread]

    sorry, I do not like to deny the holocaust and I don't support such disrespectful comments, but what happened after the denial of the holocaust? didn't the jews get pissed off? you can't blame muslems for that. their prophet is holy for them and drawing caricatures of him to show him as a...
  20. QWECXZ

    How many of you believe in UMMA or Islamic Brotherhood ?

    it IS a theocratic republic, but that doesn't mean the Ummah ideology is welcomed in Iran. although I think anything that can help you take back your rights can be seen as good. the real ideology which is considered as right by the majority of the Iranian people is humanitarianism.
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