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  1. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    No, from karachi there are only 9 guys.......out of them 4 are still under going some tests. So only 5 are FIT from khi as of now.
  2. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    There are 2 guys only (including me) all the rest have been declared fit from KHI.
  3. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Yaar I am really worried! :s There is a test to check the amount of IRON and HOMOGLOBIN in blood. The name of the test is hb electrophoresis, it usually takes 7-10 days for this test to complete. That is normal in this kind of test. But due to this I am in a dangerous situation! :s Update...
  4. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Karachi medicals are finished...only 2 guys (including me) are still waiting for a report that doctor requested for! :s I am so pissed off, I dont want myself to get late! Since peshawar medicals are also done. I think they will be compiling the Final List very soon! :s And my report would come...
  5. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Mind telling why you were declared unfit? What was the reason? Do you have any idea what are the severe deseases that may cause someone to be declared unfit? Do they declare you FIT if you have a minor and cureable desease, or they will declare us unfit even for that?
  6. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    okay, thats cool. Wish you best of luck. Hope I can join you there in PMA!, if this medical thing goes well! =s
  7. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Yes I am actually scared of this medical examination, as I never had any medical examination ever in my life. I am not feeling +ve about this medical thing at all. And yeah, If you appeal against the appeal boared, it would take more time, and since this ICTO entry is on a very quick pace, I...
  8. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    1. They asked me the following questions only: ........First the asked me to intorduce my self. ........ what your father do? ........ Why you want to join army? ........ Which sports you play? The non-syllabus questions would vary alot. It all depends on the initial form that you filled...
  9. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Hello eveyrbody. I am from Khi, we had our interview on 5th. There were 23 guys in total (including 5-6 guys that had come from hyderbad etc). 12 guys cleared the interview, and got the medical letter on the spot. The interview was quite easy, they were very friendly. There were 5 people...
  10. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Hey usman! ya it all depends on luck mann! I have not done any prep yet :D I am not nervous but rather excited it will be nice experience. Best of luck!
  11. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Hey, I dont remember by name, but would definately remember you by face. I am jawad (1 of those 2 who were late for the physical test, remeber?). Anyways best of luck dude, and wish me luck too. Btw I am not very hopefull, as I dont have much knowledge in Development field, Do you know any...
  12. S

    Information required regarding ICTO

    Hello, I am frm khi and I passed the initials (which I didnt expect =D), now my interview is on 5th. There is one funny thing. I am actually a Netwoking Guy. I have Passed CCNA with 99% marks. But this ICTO course is for developers only (acc. to the advertisement). So I want to ask...
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