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  1. TheEnrichedOne

    Your change in perception, after joining the forum.

    here is my analysis. the day the indians become proud of themselves aka get over their infeority complex, is the day peace in south asia will be realized. you can tell this is not going to happen anytime soon the way indians flood a pakistani forum, the way indian media is obsessed with...
  2. TheEnrichedOne

    Dalit Woman Resists Rape, Set Ablaze in Punjab

    rape is so bad in india that western women are strongly urged to not travel to india. India
  3. TheEnrichedOne

    Your change in perception, after joining the forum.

    you should have seen t-faz before he was a mod. :azn:
  4. TheEnrichedOne

    Can Babur and Raad penitrate Indian defence system

    With what? None of your missle air defense systems is accurate to even 50%. If U.S. Patriot Missile Defense System (the best in the world) is accurate at its very best 80%, you think yours is better? Grow up kid. Ours missiles can reach deep inside india and there is very very little you can do...
  5. TheEnrichedOne

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    :devil: YouTube - IceCube - Ghetto Bird (Video Edited) :sniper:
  6. TheEnrichedOne

    J-16 new pictures......

  7. TheEnrichedOne

    State terrorism against Muslim religious places in Delhi

    State terrorism against Muslim religious places in Delhi Early morning on January 12th , Delhi govt. officials accompanied by 500 armed police personnel and DDA demolition squad and equipments reached a Hindu dominated locality Jangpura-B, adjacent to Hazrat Nizamuddin Aulia's Mazar and tombs...
  8. TheEnrichedOne

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    YouTube - 14) Maree jan...Mera Piyara Pakistan..Super Qumi Naghmaa..." jeeva Pakistan jeeva.." by Shanaz Begum
  9. TheEnrichedOne

    Creating A Thread

    there is a lag whenever trying to create a thread
  10. TheEnrichedOne

    A bank which has no locks and no security guards

    i wonder what will happen when all the money goes missing and a member of the community all of a sudden starts driving around in a lamborghini.
  11. TheEnrichedOne

    Desi? Who are "Desi"

    No Pakistanis consider themselves desis except mohajirs.
  12. TheEnrichedOne

    Attacks down almost 20 percent in Pakistan

    Attacks down almost 20 percent in Pakistan (AP) – 6 hours ago ISLAMABAD (AP) — The number of suicide bombings and other attacks in Pakistan declined nearly 20 percent last year as a result of Pakistani military operations, better surveillance by law enforcement agencies and the death of key...
  13. TheEnrichedOne

    30 years late the LCA in testing

    30 years late the LCA in testing The Russian jet was designed in 1982 but failed to achieve any results in 1986 (when it was supposed to be ready for flight). Bharat originally wanted to test its own engine in 1996. It was to be called the Kavari. The Kevari was finally abandoned after...
  14. TheEnrichedOne

    China refuses to accept S.Tibet, Kashmir as part of India

    China Asserts J & K is Part of Pakistan Friday, 14 January 2011 22:57 China, which used to advise Pakistan to sideline the Kashmir dispute, has since had a radical change in its policy. China believes that courting China has not prevented Indian acquiescence to US policy of...
  15. TheEnrichedOne

    Swami Aseemanand exposes Hindu terrorism

    Swami Aseemanand exposes Hindu terrorism A jailed leader of India's extremist Hindu organization "Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sang (RSS)" Jatin Chatterjee alias Swami Assemanand has confessed that he and several RSS activists have a direct role in several terror attacks on Muslims across...
  16. TheEnrichedOne

    Which country are you from?

    boy you people are so ignorant and stupid its mind boggling.
  17. TheEnrichedOne


    I'm guilty of CROP DUSTING 24/7. :angel:
  18. TheEnrichedOne

    common college slangs

    You are 25 and still in college? Struggling aren't you...:rofl: :lol:
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