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  1. Speeder 2

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Is that how history is told by your scumbag govt or you are a shameless illiterate who prefer to lie to your teeth? I take this an insult to all those dead.
  2. Speeder 2

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    I just read today the history of "Boat People" for the 1st time in my life out of curiosity... From 1976 to 1987 and on for more than 1 decade, these 1.5 million "boat people" - the entire ethnic Chinese population living in vietnam for countless generations - have been systemically and...
  3. Speeder 2

    The Turkish-Japanese technology university will be based in Istanbul.

    Jealous? Learn some economics. I am happy for me instead, a robot kabab vendor means cheaper prices. :rofl:
  4. Speeder 2

    The Turkish-Japanese technology university will be based in Istanbul.

    The ultimate R&D goal would be an automatic kabab vendor with a robot arm then? never get tired. :agree:
  5. Speeder 2

    South China Sea Forum

    How cute! The men and the women there are still wearing Bruce Lee-style sun glasses. :lol:
  6. Speeder 2

    South China Sea Forum

    errr...perhaps because they need a dumb free cannon folder, Eienstein? Gee, I once thought that Vietnamese avg IQ is about 95, was I wrong? So if that is true, then I suppose that when the Chinese catch you one day they would live-skin you like a dog first before making a universally...
  7. Speeder 2

    South China Sea Forum

    I fully agree. :tup: And Vietnam is closer to Chinese mainland in map to demonstration that Vietnam is part of China. And you are closer to moron in deed to demonstration that you are part of morons, too? :lol:
  8. Speeder 2

    South China Sea Forum

    Whoever in the leadership of CPC or PLA military who ordered this oil rig circus should be executed for the reason of complete retardation at best, if not of traison! It has 0 strategic or tactic value, but huge negative impact instead since it pushes Vietnam towards "Asia Pivot". The best...
  9. Speeder 2

    South China Sea Forum

    I disagree with this approach. I would for now negotiate with Vietnam on this issue to force an agreement. meanwhile I would concentrate hitting Philippine, and hit it hard: take back ALL the islets they control at one go! Then shift Su-30s /J-16s and some J-7A/ Anti-sub aircrafts to one of...
  10. Speeder 2

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    Hey dear tiger, are you barking at the wrong tree?
  11. Speeder 2

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    In that case, Song would have started the Industrial Revolution 300 years ealier than England... history has no "if imagine"s, unfortunately. But still the current and future generations of Han people can always start the next round of industrial revolution if we learn the lesson well. The...
  12. Speeder 2

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    Actually HuaXia/ Zhong Guo Civilisation, the real “Chinese” (personally I despise this Westernised derogative term) Civilisation, was surprisingly liberal in today’s sense IMO. It’s very sad to see that many young Han people misled by Mongol/Manchu/Communist propaganda for so long...
  13. Speeder 2

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    Every country has corruption. Every Chinese dynasty had/has it as well. The difference is to what extent. I don't deny Ming's massive corruption at its last days, but Ming's overall reputation has been deliberately blackened by the following Manchu Dynasty rulers. Case in point: Qing emporer...
  14. Speeder 2

    China to overtake U.S. economy this year, World Bank says

    In short PPP is bullshit. It doesn’t count. Nonetheless "China" will become the largest economy soon measured in $ terms. What I really care about is how to awake the real “China” where the true cognitive elites dominate the sectors of economy, technology, politics and military making big...
  15. Speeder 2

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    that looks fantastic. is it more or less the final design?
  16. Speeder 2

    Type 055 DDG News & Discussions

    if 054B's powerplant goes fully electric and functions well, any chance that 055 uses it as well? that would be better for blue water CVBG. If it does, then theoritically no problem of using, at least start testing, laser and electromagnetic guns on 055B?
  17. Speeder 2

    The 11 most powerful militaries in the world

    you are a racist instead. have you stringed a logical sentence together to make any sense contributing to the forum, ever? Your low IQ trolling post is offensive to intelligence and is reported.
  18. Speeder 2

    The 11 most powerful militaries in the world

    The OP is bullshit, which has IQ of 32 or even less. Period. \ -- no wonder, comes straight from Yahoo India. :rofl: For any such ranking, there must be a key assumption on the use of nuke, or the absence of it. With nukes counted (which is meanless btw in a real world coz evey country...
  19. Speeder 2

    Why aren't Chinese students at UK universities getting top degrees?

    On average the Chinese (including British-Chinese and FOB Chinese from China and SE Asia) academic record in the UK has been ranked THE #1 by a huge margin, years after years for as long as I could recall. The Chinese even beat the English on subject English.
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