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  1. V

    Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

    No need to fear till u mess up with India for sure. Mind it.
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    Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

    And make sure you dont get counted as collateral damage in the END.
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    Foreign assistance in China's Nuclear missile and Reactors

    Why are you spamming the thread. Is it about India or Pakistan?
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    Sehwag named Wisden's Leading Cricketer

    Its for year 2009 and its not life time achievement that they should wait for his career to finish and award it.
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    “We will plant Pakistan’s flag on Delhi’s Red Fort”

    Thats fine , all know there are some ja$$ A$$eS around but why smone has to defend them. Look at the thread. And about flag on red fort and radio pakistan in India, Ever heard about lunatics , send them all to asylums where they be;long
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    CRPF jawaans fought till their last bullet and last breathe.

    I thinks this has been repeated again and again that IA is not involved in anti Naxal operations yet. TX
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    Congratulations to 'Desiman' : He Becomes ELITE Member.

    Well done bro, You fared very well under the storm...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    Thats what some posters are saying that OP has quoted stats selectively to drive home his points evn going to the extent of making comparisons between India and Pakistan in 2 different time dimensions. So the article from OP blogger is definitely not a source of truth but a fake propogandistic...
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    Comparing India and Pakistan 2010

    These Biased reports can be used to compare India and pakistan and prove India is worse off than pakistan , but same reports are not good enough to prove pakistan's plight. So Hypocritical.
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