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  1. Jade

    China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan

    There are certain norms that act as a covenants such as only until a % of machinery should be manufactured in host country. I will be surprised if China manufactures everything in India and would only look at India as opportunity to get investment returns. By doing as you suggest China would...
  2. Jade

    China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan

    It is not the return on investment that is sole reason here. I think the Chinese objective here is to keep its manufacturing industry healthy and in turn generate jobs for Chinese and grow its economy by healthy rate of over 8% for some more years. With investment opportunities dried up in China...
  3. Jade

    China offers to finance 30 per cent of India’s infrastructure development plan

    Indeed India has turned down many Chinese investments a lot of times. It is China that is not giving up. Believe me finding good investment opportunities are very hard to find and people just don't invest in other opportunities just because you cannot invest in one you like. You will end up...
  4. Jade

    Forex reserves hit record $19 billion-mark

    :lol: If you were not a TT, I would not even have responded to you. I though it was respectful to respond a TT's question on 'aid'. Anyway...as I said I don't have time for you.
  5. Jade

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    India certainly has overwhelming conventional military superiority over Pakistan. As far I am concerned MMRCA or lack of it will have very marginal effect on India's conventional military superiority over Pakistan. MMRCA is more to do with China.
  6. Jade

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    That is right f16 has quicker delivery and moreover a proven plane. It says a lot about F16's importance to PAF
  7. Jade

    Forex reserves hit record $19 billion-mark

    No buddy go to your post #16. Anyway I don't time for this nonsense
  8. Jade

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    That is how you think. There is also a different way of interpreting this on why Pakistan brought second hand F-16
  9. Jade

    Forex reserves hit record $19 billion-mark

    Weren't you the one who started this rubbish about aid to India? Anyway, I too don't give a fk about post by a Pakistani about aid to India
  10. Jade

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    If Pakistan is going for second hand F16, it says that a about Chinese planes :lol:
  11. Jade

    Forex reserves hit record $19 billion-mark

    India certainly doesn't need £280 million. It is peanuts compared to our development budget. It is British that are forcing this money on India. It is not just India, even China is getting aid from UK. Millions in aid to China criticised as ambitious space programme is announced - Home News -...
  12. Jade

    Pakistani jihadists form Ahrar-ul-Hind, vow to continue attacks in Pakistan.

    The topic is not me. Anyway, you will find me as secular as you can ever get. :) By the way, your logic is not any different from TTP. Both see themselves as custodian of Islam. Both believe in their version of Islam. Both see the other as the enemy. Both are right in their own way. But the...
  13. Jade

    Pakistani jihadists form Ahrar-ul-Hind, vow to continue attacks in Pakistan.

    The point is they say they are the custodians of Islam and not you. And they look at your government as illegal and hence their right to jihad.
  14. Jade

    'Unanimous' SLC backs ICC revamp

    Why need 'fall' in the first place and then 'rise'.????
  15. Jade

    'Unanimous' SLC backs ICC revamp

    This is what happens when people use balls to think. Brain is there for something called 'thinking'
  16. Jade

    One in four Americans 'doesn't know the Earth orbits the Sun' and only half believe in evolution

    This number should not be anything different in India too. Like all countries, India too has its own share of fools
  17. Jade

    'Unanimous' SLC backs ICC revamp

    Ranatunga said. "People who talk about principles and all that will not give us the money. We have to make our money from these tours. Perfectly sums up all
  18. Jade

    Pakistani jihadists form Ahrar-ul-Hind, vow to continue attacks in Pakistan.

    Ahrar-ul-Hind is an answer to Garwa-e-Hind. This is what happens when you pamper a snake. The problem is that TTP thinks you as rebels, hence their duty to crush you. Perfectly logical from TTP point of view.
  19. Jade

    For India, even a trip to Mars won't break the bank

    Frugal engineering is one area where India can excel and can become the world leader. We may not have good manufacturing base for producing low end goods in mass, but have excellent base for producing high end engineering. Moreover, we have some of the best mind in the world at fraction of the...
  20. Jade

    Survey findings: Pakistanis warmer towards India

    Then even I can say the difference between a North Indian and a South Indian. South Indians are quite different from North Indians. Attitude towards life, approach, culture, food habits etc.. of both groups are quite different Most North Indians are aggressive and laid back while most south...
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