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  1. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Lol, I guess your knowledge is weak. You don't know the facts. FYI, CJ was reinstalled by the SJC on July 20 and Musharraf imposed emergency on Nov. 3. He worked for four months as the reinstalled CJ.
  2. S

    Democracy Wins!

    I have given enough counter arguments and have aptly answered the criticism. No, I don't want my presence felt. I had higher expectations of this forum but found out that it is Punjabi dominated, CJ worshiping and military dictator loving forum. I should better post my comments at Pakistaniat...
  3. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Thanks for your report. You are a Balochistani just like the CJ? He also calls himself that though every one knows his ethnicity.
  4. S

    Democracy Wins!

    CJ could have simply refused all the politicking. His case was already before a SC panel and he should have followed the legal procedures. Instead, he encouraged it and participated in rallies. Is not it political?
  5. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Lol. I understand your dirty tactics. Why should I define these terms when anyone can do a basic internet search? A for the moral standing, it is to stand up for what is right and that is what I am doing unlike the biased and CJ-lovers on this forum who think of him as a god. I guess this...
  6. S

    Democracy Wins!

    PML N is also in power in the largest province.
  7. S

    Democracy Wins!

    CJ is not Pakistan's hope. He will retire in three years even if he clung to his seat during all these years. It is in sustained democracy and independent judiciary (appointed by the parliament) or a revolution. The latter is not possible in Pakistan as there is no ethnic cohesion. Democracy...
  8. S

    Democracy Wins!

    The evidence is clearly visible in their reporting and op-ed piece. I guess you don't read Urdu press. PPP is corrupt and there is no doubt in it but so is PML N. Why no one raise this issue?
  9. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Simple: sidestepping its constitutional role and forcing its decisions. Inciting mass movements through its cohorts and manipulating lawyers. Deciding in just an hour at late hours of night without even hearing the defendant's claims. Parliament not just acts on the constitution but can also...
  10. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Were there 170 million people on road? People are worried about food and shelter, not the antics of CJ and Zardari. I am sorry to say but only certain elements in Punjab are more interested in this whole CJ party. Sindhis, Mohajirs, Balochs and Pashtuns are no longer interested in this drama.
  11. S

    Democracy Wins!

    LOL. It has trespassed by inciting journalists and lawyers to launch a slander campaign. Don't you read newspapers where many columinsts and reporters act as the representatives of CJ and get their cues from him. Accept the fact that CJ is a political leader.
  12. S

    Democracy Wins!

    I should laugh at your comments or take pity? You are suggesting that every judge should join this party. What a suggestion. And about his decisions. The most recent one is the biggest example. NRO decision had many flaws including the overruling of constitutional immunity. Only the...
  13. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Pakistanis do not need to support SC and why should they? SC should remain under its constitutional parameters that it has trespassed in recent years. Yes, parliamentarians are corrupt but that is what the fact is. People can reject them in next elections; that's democracy.
  14. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Every sane person knows that CJ is a party. His whole restoration movement was a political movement, have you forgot that? He still uses lawyers as his party members. People fail to understand that CJ is now political and has lost his impartiality.
  15. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Whatever he has done, he still is a democratically elected president. Only parliament should impeach him. CJ party has nothing to do with this. That's what I am saying that both Zardari and CJ should resign to avoid any political crisis.
  16. S

    Democracy Wins!

    I think its the other way round. I guess you haven't read my previous posts. I am not a PPP jiyala FYI and even suggested that both Zardari and CJ resign. Read before you comment.
  17. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Your whole premise is flawed. Do not expect Pakistanis to become totally transparent and democratic in one day. Give democracy a chance; that is the only solution. Parliament needs to take immediate action and do some constitutional amendments otherwise this fight between CJ and president...
  18. S

    Democracy Wins!

    CJ has done nothing? He is a party now. What is all this fuss with lawyers going in all directions and threatening the writ of government on his orders? If he has any moral standing than he should resign.
  19. S

    Democracy Wins!

    I need no dig into history as his most recent decision is nothing short of forceful.
  20. S

    Democracy Wins!

    Shame on you for thinking that he is unconstitutional. I am not saying that he is holy -- even his wife was not a clean leader and had serious charges of corruption and extra judicial killings. The thing is that he has received votes from all four provincial assemblies and national parliament...
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