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  1. M

    Blast at funeral in Quetta kills 30+ & DIG operations

    by the same token, i don't think anyone can be this incompetent.
  2. M

    Blast at funeral in Quetta kills 30+ & DIG operations

    i'm guessing some low paid cop looking for a promotion on guard duties decided to go walkies when Mr T came knocking. 10 minutes later, he's now the new DGI. nothing else can explain this.
  3. M

    Wali killed on a tip-off by Hakimullah supporter

    This is propaganda in an attempt to divide and rule. countless Drones have been swarming Pakistan from as far as the Swat region. I infer that the US decided to lay off strikes during the election time was to monitor the ant trails of the militants which led to the deputy.
  4. M

    Breaking News TTP Leader Wali ur Rahman killed in today's Drone Attack

    Hasn't his counterpart Hakeemullah been killed about 9 times already, the last time i vaguely remember that he died on his way to multan? Oh wait, nevermind. Why doesn't pakistan allow a free media to operate in this area? It's already an "unamed official".
  5. M

    Hearties Congratulations to All PMLN Members

    in any civilised country, as a matter of routine, should anyone wish to apply for a job, they have to openly declare their background check and provide evidence that they don't pose a security concern. Pakistan, amongst some other backward countries not only allows convincted criminals to...
  6. M

    congrats to All 5 more years of Corruption

    by 2018 im guessing by the way the pakistani brain works we will be hailing Zardari as a reputable alternative. And so the cycle continues...
  7. M

    31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

    You want pashtuns to get ' educated' ... maybe you should try educating yourselves. That's if you can stop corruption and fraud which is in your blood just as war and vengeance is in the blood of a pashtun. Just watch this and see your amazing education system at work...
  8. M

    31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

    You'd be another state of India and Jinnah would be sipping wine in Oxford were it not for the hundreds of thousands of pashtuns who were reciting the kalima when lord Mountbatten and his wife went to visit them. It was actually this that tipped the balance into him conceding into giving into a...
  9. M

    31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

    And ilyas kashmiri...your home grown SSG boy? Care to mention his ethnicity?...How about the mullahs of the rred mosque? Or those burka-clad urdu speaking women detaining chineese women islamabads markets? Thought not. Your 'facts' are just skewed to fit your prejudice.
  10. M

    US army supplying weapons to TTP and Terrorist Gangs in Landi Kotal, Bara+

    .. I fail to see the point of this thread and more broadly your unsubstantiated claim. Let's assume your right ( despite all the objective information which is to the contrary). Given that Pakistan has overtly been subsidized for its military campaigns to the tune of Billions and has willfully...
  11. M

    US army supplying weapons to TTP and Terrorist Gangs in Landi Kotal, Bara+

    Agreed. Only seen such poor writing by the ISPR. In their favour im grateful that they havent tried to convince us by posting uncircumcised males again. This seems a little tamer.
  12. M

    6 military officials martyred in attack

    The IRA suggests otherwise. You have no knowledge and are providing typical knee-jerk statements. Scorched earth policy failed as far back as 2006 under musharraf.
  13. M

    6 military officials martyred in attack

    Was anyone under any illusion that attacks wouldn't start to SURGE once we green-lighted the drone programme and resumed the NATO supplies? If so, get your head out of the sand. Belt up, things are going to get a lot worse.
  14. M

    We Believe Zawahiri is in Pakistan: Clinton

    He is in cherat, training with the SSG.
  15. M

    Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers

    Well... it clearly wasn't successful if they let people get away, kill 12 soldiers and at the same time take two soldiers with them. Seems like a disaster from start to finish, poorly planned, poorly executed and little/no attempt at getting the soldiers back. But ofcourse, they always has to...
  16. M

    U.S. to intensify drone strikes in Pakistan

    What a real nasty move by the USA to ensure more pakistanis are killed both directly and indirectly... Drones fired --> innocents killed --> innocents radicalised --> blame state for compilicity --> bomb blasts every city of Pakistan If one increases the drone stikes, the more death and...
  17. M

    Taliban militants behead 2 Pakistani soldiers

    So a failed operation resulted in soldiers being captured and ultimately killed? well, what did everyone expect to happen, the TTP to feed the captured soldiers biryani and mangoes who were minutes ago on a mission to kill them? Some people are shocked at just about anything in this world.
  18. M

    Army wants political ownership of Fata operations

    Why is the army setting up establishments that should be essentially set up by the civillian-led institutions? When i think of an army school in any capacity, I can't help but think of a brain-washing centre.
  19. M

    Pakistani Taliban Jailbreak: An Inside Job?

    Inside job? I dont think so. It's down to what your fighting for, if its for your faith you're always going to be a winner, regardless of others subjective perceptions. If its for your 1000 rupee pay cheque every week, i think you aren't going to put up much of a resistence and therefore...
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