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  1. L

    Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa: ‘India is my relation, the others are friends'

    To administrator... Who to complain if administrator himself is flaming???:lol:
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    and i live in india....:rofl::rofl: lol at u so what if she visits india...? she is wrong in her views..and i have right to point her that this is not a tourism related thead....so it does not matter if she visited india a hundred times... its related to india and china....get that in...
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    Hindu Suicide Bombers: US, UK, Australia issue warnings to citizens travelling India

    indians report this thread.... liar liar shame on u.....
  4. L

    Now, army wants to dump the indigenous Insas rifle

    india never sold insas to srilanka.....:rofl::rofl::rofl: atleast check bfore making up lies,,,,:argh:
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    that is the difference btwn pakistanis and indian mentality... let me ask u the same question... do u have the guts to stand with india.....? and coming to india standing with china...start checking the recent developments rather than ranting anti-india stuff china and india always together...
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    ...india the poor nation.....we need pakistan's help:agree: going by ur logic...then pakistan's army could nt many bombings in ur country...does that mean pakistan;s army is worthless..??? by pointing the same thing again and again...u r just making fool of urself.... y dont u see successes...
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    BJP asks Muslims to give up Ayodhya

    right its forums rules...but as seen if any indian comments on pakistan's internal forums..they r promptly banned... so if u want to talk about india's internal issues.talk about it as an indian problem..dont make it a religious issue..
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    and the article posted that china should break india in pieces was not war rhetoric..right? we r not happy with US having base near our main land.... but we r not that much desperate that we would want any other country to have a base near us to negate US...unlike some countries..:azn...
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    BJP asks Muslims to give up Ayodhya

    and y is it pakistanis are so interested in india's internal affairs? this talks are btwn indian hindus and indian muslims... kindly note that INDIAN.. u dont want us to interfere in ur internal affairs..then u better dont in ours... P.S: many hindus died too...but u will not see...
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    yes... india is unhappy with chinese presence in indian ocean... as is china with our military developments along the border.... and by the way dont u guys fret on us? but if this goes to next level india might have to take drastic measures in the indian ocean...eg:india has already made...
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    man dont u know BD is the Gr8 TIGER :lol:
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    India offers to protect China oil shipments

    tasteless.....:disagree: ...... china and india have more to give each other in business than 'strategic depth'.......if they come head to head with indian navy in Indian ocean..they will have more to lose than just strategic depth....
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    Israeli company Rafael plans JV for missile systems

    israel is always with us in our defence needs.... Thanx israel......
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    History of Kashmir

    conveniently forgotten the mass exodus of kashimiri pandits from the valley..more than half a million kashmirir pandits are living in camps...not able to go to their homeland.... the post completes distorts the truth to support pakistani agenda...
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    Now, army wants to dump the indigenous Insas rifle

    i had heard a few months ago this news...Indian Army wanted to get a new assault weapon..the reason was INSAS was specifically made for fight against regular forces..means pakistan army or chinese.... i.e.,its bullets were meant to wound than kill...so in a fight if an enemy soldier is...
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    Indian Defence Spending to Hit $50bn

    they r going to jump in anyway..
  17. L

    Indian Navy News & Discussions

    yaar..i think u got the data wrong... Kolkata class has three ships in it...INS Kolkata and INS Kochi and the third is not named... the first ship was launched in 2006 will be commissioned in 2012... i think INS chennai may be the 3rd ship..and it will might launched in 2010...not...
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    India-Pakistan Talks - 2010

    the meeting of feb 25 has been described by an indian diplomat as "Talk for the talks":lol:
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    PAF again welcome female GD(P)s.......

    let me correct u..india has female pilots in IAF....but they fly only non-combat aircrafts and helicopters.... The recent IAF chief's statement was regarding allowing Female pilots in combat aircrafts.... plz continue with ur discussion...
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    Let there be no asha for the Pak demon

    ok..fine ...i have not said anything which breaks any of the forum rules... but if there is any un-written rule which says that if pakistans dont like ur answer..then u will be banned...then i guess i have done a gr8 crime..
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