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  1. K

    Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

    I have not much knowledge about the different sects of muslim. The way the Ahmedis are treated in Pakistan props a question in my mind. Is Ahmedis like the Dalits in India ? That also gives rise to the question Are Sunnis like the upper caste in India ? How do you define this ...
  2. K

    How Chinese See "South Korea Warship Sinking Event"

    And the story goes on .............................. Pakistan - the world particulary Zionist, Hindu kafirs and US is conspirating to destroy Pakistan China - the US imperialist in particular, Japan and the West are conspirators to denigrade China and it's allies. Is it a wonder that...
  3. K

    Why Pakistan Produces Jihadists

    Another article on the same topic in DT today : Jihadi public schools? —Ali K Chishti Unnecessary and often misplaced emphasis on religious education is nothing more than a clever ruse to deflect attention from the real issue: the general state of education in Pakistan One of the...
  4. K

    The fate of the PNS Ghazi

    I have put in another thread that even during the war time, we knew that Gazi was sunk because of some accident and not by Indian Navy. Rather INS Vikrant was stuck to Vizag dock because of Gazi's presence. If Indian Navy claims to have sunk Gazi (there is no definite report on that), I...
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    Vulnerable minorities

    The editorial column in Dawn : While it is not clear if the European MPs were provoked by a particular incident, one cannot deny that Pakistan has to put in far more effort to gain the trust of its minorities. There are some laws on the statute books — including the blasphemy law — that...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    2.5 million !!! Need more dfinitive proof that they are all from this side. Questions : 1. When did this refugees come to Pakistan ? 2. Why do you think they are going there ? 3. Do you think the so called "freedom fighter" from so called "Azad Kashmir" have also contributed to this...
  7. K

    DG ISI should be Civilian?

    After going through the thread I found some gaps in the logic that ISI should be headed by persons only from Army. 1. Possibilities might be high that ISI & Military might not be working in sync with the civilian Govt policies. This means the insugencies and terrorism both within and...
  8. K

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    I had asked these questions in another thread and I am asking again. 1. Is there any other Islamic country which has already banned Facebook citing this reason ? 2. If Pakistan is first then is Pakistan the most devout Islamic country in the world ? If the above is true then this is a...
  9. K

    indian DISASTER in the making..

    I am sure Raptor is a rabid hater of India and the way he denigrates anything that relates to hindoo is an indicator of his lunatic mind. Nuclear status of India is well known over the world and it does not need special certificate from Raptor. Nuclear energy is a must in the portfolio...
  10. K

    Pakistan's Internet censorship

    I could not go through all the post. Just for inquisitiveness : 1. Is there any other Islamic country which has already banned Facebook cting this reason ? 2. If Pakistan is first then is Pakistan the most devout Islamic country in the world ? If the above are true then my personal...
  11. K

    Ahmadinejad calls for closer India-Iran ties

    Dear friend, I found that you mention this line (in bold) in every thread you reply. Though I am sure you might not be well educated about India, but I expect you to be better educated about China. Please let me know if the article below is true. It was published in Daily Times of Pakistan...
  12. K

    The fate of the PNS Ghazi

    As far as I remember, PNS Gazi was sunk from it's own mine. India had one aircraft carrier in Vizag and Pakistan was wary of that. Again India was wary of the submarine Pakistan had. It was to immobilize the aircraft carrier, that PNS Gazi came near to Vizag to lay mines. During this...
  13. K

    Dreaming India super power by 2020

    Kalam Saab's main vision is to see India as super power by 2020 in terms of Knowledge. This knowledge transforms to the welfare of the society, economics and the world standing. India never has been a proactive power projector, that is why it is still a country which depends on others...
  14. K

    US war vet wants to be an Indian

    QUOTE=below_freezing;860157]sorry, but i have no sympathy when people support war criminals. http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/57749-mumbai-struggles-catch-up-shanghai-14.html " slaves? we?what about when japan control china? more then one lakh rape in a month . " post 197...
  15. K

    US war vet wants to be an Indian

    That is the point dear. In Indian village (even in some towns) people easily survive on 1 USD per day. Schooling is free here also with meals. The medical support is free in villages and in towns - all belonging to government. The farming is free also as far as I know (being from village). The...
  16. K

    Indigenous ROSUB 6000 expedition puts India in elite league

    I thought it should have been Unfortunately NOT !!! Yes this group responsible for Gas Hydrate and Submersibles is doing good work. I heard that they have the seafloor based corer in the campus ready for launching. That would be another feather in the cap. Reverse osmosis...
  17. K

    Probe of 2 Indians held from Chitral finalized

    At least you should appreciate that India is not harping on any dossier from Pakistan. Indian is doing whatever it can and hope you know that they all are behind bars since they are apprehended and not provided bail !!!! :smitten::cheers:
  18. K

    Israeli Surveillance System Sees Through Walls

    Technology is the only answer to terrorism and urban warfare. Hope these are adapted soon to pin point, identify and prevent terrorism. Eye in the sky (DARPA), this and swivelling guns can be a scourge for the terrorists. :smitten::cheers:
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    Indigenous ROSUB 6000 expedition puts India in elite league

    @Mauryan Were you a part of the team ? Or were you on board with the team ? Pictures are good. What are the further plans ? :smitten::cheers:
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    WASHINGTON DIARY: The terrorist question —Dr Manzur Ejaz

    I was going to post this topic. Would like to hear from our Pakistan brothers & sisters about this article. Hope he is not Bharati and also good that iit was not from Indian media. :smitten::cheers:
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