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  1. Trichy

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    First know correctl Hindi is not the national language of India. But I prefer hindi to be a 3rd language in schools. We to want to mingle with rest of India but stupids in politics don't allow it. More over Tamil is not a language of 2000 years old. It have a great poetic and grammer skills...
  2. Trichy

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    PA must find this A$$ holes and put holes using bullets in their @$$ to head. We dont need this kinds of animals in this world. All nations must come closer to finishing this pigs...
  3. Trichy

    Great News ! - BJP government ready to open debate on article 370.

    Small correction its not Msdrasi if u tell but people frm south. It's called Tamilan
  4. Trichy

    Who will be the new Defence Minister of India

    As per thiings going Gen VK Singh can MoS in defense not MOD for sure...
  5. Trichy

    Muslims should be communal for their own good', Shazia Ilmi says

    Every one ask for minority protection or safety or quota or other things, but who gonna take care of poor majority in here.??? I need a govt to treat equal for all with one law one nation. I gonna vote for BJP always. This is going to be a game changing election in 21st century India. Your one...
  6. Trichy

    Successful launch of IRNSS-1B

    Congrats ISRO....
  7. Trichy

    Muslims prosper in Gujarat and Kerala; UP, Bihar the worst

    Ya ya the the saint who burns the the train coach with kids and women's in it... Every action have its own reactions always... Y don't India bans Muslim groups as well? If you need equality you must accept this too....
  8. Trichy

    AAP's support to agitation against Kudankulam nuclear plant

    Tell them its not Delhi, its Tamil Nadu... if he do any thing stupid he get free entry ticket in Puzhal Central Prison..:hitwall:dump A$$
  9. Trichy

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    Great wrk by Chinese Police...:guns:
  10. Trichy

    Top 10 Fighter pilots of World War II

    Good find...but Change the topic as Top 10 Fighter Pilots of Luftwaffe during World War II
  11. Trichy

    China’s Chang’e-3 Moon Rover Descends to Lower Orbit Sets Up Historic Soft Landing

    Congratz to all Chinese People, now lock and load for a maned mission... All the Best..!
  12. Trichy

    Barbaric Gujrat Massacre - The Truth Behind The Story

    Then why the followers of Religion of peace BURNT 57 people, 14 kids along with women and men..? if this is soo correct then the following incidents (roits) are the reaction for the above... 1st give answer for Burnt souls of 57, then question about other things..! If its a accident then every...
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