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  1. Q

    Will Pakistan relieve burden of U.S. forces in Afghanistan?

    forget about pakistan relieving burden of US forces in Afghanistan..US forces are there to stay until July 2011..On the contrary,Obama administration warned Pakistan recently that if they fail to tackle taliban and local terrorist organizations inside pakistan,US will not hesitate to send forces...
  2. Q

    Is Headley an American agent who turned rogue?

    well it is not confirmed that Headley is an American agent...but what has been confirmed is that David Headley alias Dawood Gilani is a pakistani-american terrorist and has links with pakistani terrorist organization LeT..He played a major role in executing 26/11 Mumbai attacks
  3. Q

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    Is there any meaning to dialogue process when on one hand pakistan is inviting India for dialogue and on the other hand it is using terrorism as state policy against India...Is dialogue process a joke for pakistan??
  4. Q

    Put pressure on India to talk to us-Pakistan

    India tried it's best to reslove all issues with Pakistan through dialogue in the past.But everytime India did so,India was backstabbed by Pakistan.India doesn't trust Pakistan anymore..so no question of dialogue with Pakistan irrespective of international pressure.
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