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  1. N

    For Pakistan, time to try India as a friend (resurrection)

    To the majority of the indian population, there is neither a pakistan phobia nor a phillia. We dont really care. The mind set is, just leave us alone without sending the LeT et al. I had earlier published the online link to all the text books of major school boards in india, at...
  2. N

    Why is South Asia so tense?

    Yes. India is the reason for tension in south asia. This article is a big troll talking about absolutely imaginary Virat bharat!! But when i reply that the real reason for tension is amply described in the thread...
  3. N

    The Durand Line

    This has to do with the understanding current political situation juxtaposed with history. The number of times today's Durand line has been breached in history and folks from west of the line had crossed over and ruled lahore, would provide a testimony for how unstable and porus the region...
  4. N

    The Durand Line

    Ahmad Shah Durrani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia His ransacking of Delhi is his fourth expedition 1757, however Lahore was sacked in 1748, rest of punjab and sindh in 1949. Abdali was born in Multan, no doubt, however immediately he went back to afghanistan, joined persian army and...
  5. N

    The Durand Line

    For every conquerer that marched from afghanistan towards punjab, there were different political reason and different allies. In that way every campaign is unique in circumstances, but the goal is same. Through history, atleast in the last millennium, when are the times lahore was ruled by...
  6. N

    The Durand Line

    Yes, a lot of them including Ghori, Mahmud of Ghazni till Abdali.
  7. N

    The Durand Line

    This is nothing new. From recorded history, people from the hindukush mountains had always terrorized and destroyed the peace of people in the indus plains and east of it. This is a simple umpteenth repeat of history. Only difference is that, historians in Pakistan viewed earlier terrorizers...
  8. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    If (your intent is to know if hindu processions are also banned) then read my earlier post where i have provided links to such occurrence else (if your intent is to troll) then my reply shall be 'we shall ban the amarnath yatra after Hajj is banned because of all the stampedes year after year'.
  9. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Off-topic. But there is no stopping muslims slaughtering cows on Eid. However DarulUloom suggested us to avoid cows. Anyway most of us have never eaten cow and consider them respectable. This is nothing to do with religion but with culture. Avoid cow slaughter on Eid, suggests Dar-ul-Uloom -...
  10. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Agreed, however your comments apply for any procession or gatherings that local law enforcements ban, citing security reason. It is easier for them to ban it than play dice with law and order. Whether is it the perfect way to handle the situation? Maybe not. More importantly, it is not evident...
  11. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Law-Enforcement If you do not understand what this means in a democratic secular civil society, i dont blame you.
  12. N

    Bilawal for the PPP Discussions

    From the indian experiment of dynastic democracy, the positives that are observed are as below. 1. there is a common unifying factor among faction ridden party 2. an inspiration to the common man (with subconscious feudal mindset) Now it is the responsiblity of Bilawal to capitalize on this...
  13. N

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Do you even understand what is "law and order". Any freedom is available only till it does not pose a threat to general peace. Indian constitution, provide practice, profess and propogate any religion as a fundamental right. The fundamental right to congregate is subjected to clauses...
  14. N

    Americans to land only in Islamabad

    The last thing on the mind of the security apparatus shall be a foreign investor's comfort level. Security of the nation and its citizens is of manifold importance than any foreign investment, at this crucial juncture. And if definition of 'Americans' is people with US passport, then will it...
  15. N

    Worlds biggest illegale Gun market in Pakistan

    I understand the "India" you mentioned includes West Punjab and other plains of Pakistan. No wonder TTP is trying to repeat history.!
  16. N

    Don't define Muslims by their worst

    So what? He was a christian and took an example of christ when talking about being bullied. However he did not say, "I am doing this because of christ's teachings", "I am doing this to be a better christian, "I am doing this to keep the honor of my clan high" "I am doing this as a sacrifice to...
  17. N

    Don't define Muslims by their worst

    telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1549092/The-roommates-story.html Perhaps most significant was a rambling note that said, according to police, the "end is near" and there was something he "needed to do". He also railed against his parents' strong Christian faith and the moral degeneracy on campus.
  18. N

    South Indian dream yet to be realized

    Dude, any logic for what you say? And first what does this have to do in pakistan defence forum?? I am native of a city which is deep south of Chennai, the city of Hazrat Nathervali. And the only reason india survived, grew and it is possible to even have an economy for you to talk about...
  19. N

    Don't define Muslims by their worst

    Agreed, there is a media-bias in reporting when perpetrators are muslims. However we should also keep in mind, that Islam is such an integral part of muslim's life, that even for attrocities committed on personal capacity, the perpetrators consider that they do it in the name of Islam. [Though...
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