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  1. H

    Do you have any questions about China?

    thanks. generally,presently China rural is not so poor. In my home town(one HuNan province village), one normal builder he can get about 120--150RMB per day So his salary can arrive about 4000RMB(680$) one month.You think they are poor if have this net incoming?
  2. H

    Xisha may open to tourists soon

    At your ancient time, Vietnam also was one province or vassal state of big China so Xisha and Nansha islands is solid territory of china.
  3. H

    Xisha may open to tourists soon

    HI guys, Your Vietnam also belong to China in history for more 1000years!!! Hi guys, Don't worry, China have much more TNT than yours. If you can do we will welcome. Maybe your Vietnam will go back to the stone Age..... Typical wet dream...Maybe your Vietnam return to China big family...
  4. H

    China: 21 Vietnamese Fishermen Detained

    Ohoh,you forget it maybe, Your ancestor the north Communist party president Ho chi Ming confirmed these islands are belong to China. We beat the south vietnam and got back our territory that's our inherent land. So Your vietnam is ungrateful and cheating nation.We can not talk anything with your...
  5. H

    Rapid development of chinese cities

    Writed the city name on the first pic for each city.
  6. H

    China & Laos vows to further enhance military relations

    VN also can join this ally as VN was our one part before.We will welcome you are back.:yahoo:
  7. H

    China paper condemns Vietnam-India energy cooperation

    Surely, India can arm VN but China also can support PK,Bangladesh,Nepal and Maoist in north India.etc....How about feeling for Indians when that time?
  8. H

    China paper condemns Vietnam-India energy cooperation

    Oh, are your mature? Japan invaded China started in 1937 BUT USA fought with JP was on 1941. In the WW 2 China was the biggest force to against the fascist JP aggression. We feel the fascists were world's enemy no one could sympathize them except your Indians junks.
  9. H

    Undeterred India to hunt for oil in South China Sea

    China will be scared by india? India support Dalai over fifty years china still have not counter india on this.india should be trained this time .
  10. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Thanks for your spoke out your Indian ambition.That should be your real purpose to involved the south china sea. Let's see china's counter action for India.
  11. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Oh,your EEN requirement can overlap our China land???The 127/128 zone obviously over our Nine-stages sea that's our land. You just can claim for your undisputed sea to develop you can not go to our claim sea.
  12. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Yes, let's see what will happen..... India will flee from where and leave lonely VN here if fight???....
  13. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Trade is both-win game. Open market is more benefit to common people. India if stop import from China I deem your Happiness index will go down.
  14. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Oh, yes VN can ask US,JP, India to join together to drill oil on this disputed sea.But if have not China's promise nobody can do we will surely protect our sovereign and we will force them flee. The final would be compare who's muscle is big......
  15. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Hi guys no need wait the war, your india can stop all import from China from now.China is no problem if your indian can accept..Both trade is double win game but not zero-game.
  16. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Ho,ho,...Vietnam will defeat China again.....From 1979 to 1989 we had played this game with you over ten years you don't know???If not your PM go to china to beg to resume both "brother" relationship. I think we are keeping on this game.....Don't provoke China.Don't think you are still the third...
  17. H

    India to deepen energy ties with Vietnam, defying China claim

    Friend, We deem india would only brag on this they will drill oil on this disputed sea. If reality India can go this Southchina sea do anything. China will not keep the silence. I think nobody can get any benefit. You should know the BP also withdraw this plan when they know China claim this...
  18. H

    Indo-China War (2043-2045)

    No,This thread can brag only by u. No any interest for both country.China and india the best way is peaceful coexistence on the earth.
  19. H

    China warns India against exploring oil in South China Sea ahead of Krishna

    Hi guys, You should know China is much better/advanced than yours on the missiles/nuclear bomb.etc. Inida want to dig this oil in southchina sea that only brag India's ambition to against China. India will withdraw and keep silence on this if China show a little force here. India, Vietnam both...
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