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  1. kvLin

    Pakistan Day Parade: Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) and Saudi Special Force’s Participation

    Congrats to Pakistan and all Pakistani brothers! 10 years ago I was here and shared the hurrah for JF-17's debut on your National day, and now back for the same joy of Pakistan's growing force. I believe that you've made significant progress during the past decade , and hope you achieve more in...
  2. kvLin

    Analysis: Terrorist attack on tourists in Pakistan’s Himalayan north Read

    I sincerely hope that this kind of indiscriminating killing will invite only harshest punishment, instead of compromise.
  3. kvLin

    ChinaIndia first broke the Tacit that's why PLA made tent

    there you go: In below green marks surrounding Aksai Chin are Indian mailitary Airports or Advanced landing grounds(ALG).
  4. kvLin

    Perfect time for WAR

    well if this is the average IQ in India, China will be a bloody true threat aside!!:azn:
  5. kvLin

    Chinese troops intrude into Indian territory in Ladakh, erect a tented post

    Hey are your people constructing something there around the TAC HQ 17680ft outpost? I don't think it possible for PLA to face off at far west sino-indu border when the whole country are focusing east on the sea islands.
  6. kvLin

    Japan threatens action on China gas project

    stick to the topic, the Japanese opposition on the gas project is not a real headache to china at all. lacking oceanographic data of this sensitive water, Japan cannot prove to be a competent opponent, neither can it find more legitimacy than China does even east of the "middle line".
  7. kvLin

    China conducts test on ground-based midcourse missile interception

    I guess this is to tell the Obama administration: you don't wanna break off the military communication as a big new anti-means added into the PLA unclearness list.
  8. kvLin

    China again rejects UN sanctions against Iran

    actually I'm curious about india's attitude over the nuclear issue in Iran, does it have a clear poseture while seeking its own interest? it's known that India voted against Iran in 2005 and 2006 (condemning and reporting Iran's file to UNSC),but later on it is said that US used coercion on...
  9. kvLin

    Drunkard Chinese cop named martyr' after death

    well, it's offtopic but, if you wanna know what is likely the biggest change in Chinese political life, it is the domestic popular opinion/observation throught internet, which is getting head in supervising officials. and that's today's China.
  10. kvLin

    Photos of the Chinese Armed Forces

    wow, seems you've been sitting here whole day building up this huge thread,man. thanks for your efforts, I saw many of the pics in different fora but it does take time to collect them all. :tup: ps. you can pm webby to help you get rid of those failed post.
  11. kvLin

    Chinese Flanker Family: J-11, J-16 ... Su-27SK/UBK, Su-30MKK

    dear seiko, those indian warriors were just around, if you came earlier. a classic episode could be like this: Indians:why superior?we can buy weapons everywhere,you search nowhere outside Russia. Chinese: we produce,you buy. Indians:everything you made is copywork. Chinese: Copy it...
  12. kvLin

    Timeline of China-Pakistan Friendship

    to maintain the traditional friendship between Pak and China, non-governmental intercommunions are bound to be strengthened, in order to coordinate with the solo of governmental honeymoon.
  13. kvLin

    beijing prepaid for PRC 60'S Celebration!!great pics of beijing

    you're right, they just blew it in the parade this morning and assure you that a national TV could be perplexed on backlighting videography.:bunny:
  14. kvLin

    Happy National Day of People's Repulic of China

    there were no such things from my field observation last week in BJ, they just tightened up residence registration and check-in of the blocked streets. China is not North Korea.
  15. kvLin

    Urumqi riots signal dark days ahead

    By Malcolm Moore Malcolm Moore is the Telegraph's Shanghai Correspondent. He arrived in China in July 2008 after three years in Italy as the Telegraph's Rome Correspondent. Before that, he was the paper's Economics Correspondent. Yesterday, I was able to use Twitter to relay real-time...
  16. kvLin

    Current Tensions in Xinjiang-China

    By Malcolm Moore Malcolm Moore is the Telegraph's Shanghai Correspondent. He arrived in China in July 2008 after three years in Italy as the Telegraph's Rome Correspondent. Before that, he was the paper's Economics Correspondent. Yesterday, I was able to use Twitter to relay real-time...
  17. kvLin

    Indian retaliation: Australian man stabbed by Indians, Australian's car torched

    I have to say that you're a typical indian poster.:rofl: atleast get some basic knowledge if you really care about China.
  18. kvLin

    China Displays Naval Power, Pledges Peace

    I arrived at Qingdao on April 22 for the Navy Parade, and ran across a squad of Pakistani sailors (wearing mazarine sweaters) on my way to a Starbucks just ten minutes ago. they look pretty relaxed and nice.:tup: the navy parade started at 14:20 yesterday.
  19. kvLin

    "China is the next great country in the world" - Jim Rogers

    Did you check your dissertation before posting it,mate? :lol:
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