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  1. Z

    ‘Lovers of Musharraf’

    i wander what rich london/New york/Dubai borough Shaukat Aziz lives in now. Until Pakistanis see that leaders are not built on what its relations with America and what it did in the war on terror we will never have a true leader. Japan was annialated after world war 2 only country in the world...
  2. Z

    Capabilities if India and Pakistan get together?

    Wishful thinking If all disputes can be fairly disolved. Hindus andSikhs have important heritige in Pakistan just like Muslims do in India. Joining together as Allies this moment i don't see it either. BUT as a Pakistani if justice prevails to both sides in talks issues are resolved to the...
  3. Z

    Counter-Ideology: Unanswered Questions and the Case of Pakistan

    Dr Zakir naik has been condemned by many a scholar of the Sufi and Ahle Sunnat sects. He is very radical in alot of what he said and has said alot of un-islamic things. But that is another topic all together. If a bomb was to go off say in Ajmer Sharif in India or Golra Sharif in Pakistan 2 huge...
  4. Z

    Counter-Ideology: Unanswered Questions and the Case of Pakistan

    Islam does not allow the beating of women Islam condemns coward terrorists. the traditions of the Ahle Sunnat wal Jammat and Sufis are combined. You can go to any such mosques and politics will never be mentioned. If the muslim countries were to properly implement Islamic states, that does...
  5. Z

    Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

    LOL the good old cold star strategy.... India dreams that its Isreal and Pakistan is Hamas....... That it will completely annialate pakistan while pakistan just has home made rockets and a few ak -47s. Pakistan has got alot up its sleave id love india to one day try its cold war strategy...
  6. Z

    12 best tanks in world

    Taking religion out of this thread because it has nothing to do with tanks. Tanks at the moment in todays climate are useless most wars around the country are guerilla wars .... Pakistan is going in for the kill against the taliban.... which is good news for the war and Inshallah the army will...
  7. Z

    ‘Lovers of Musharraf’

    Musharraf the same guy that keeps himself in the public limelight with sometimes bullsh*t allegations?. You see Pakistan has the best leaders in the world for asking for aid its initiated programmes such as the friends of Pakistan. Pakistan needs investment! our politicians do not see this. We...
  8. Z

    Limited War Possible: Indian Army Chief Kapoor

    General Kapoor had no right to say such a comment. The difference between pakistan and india is in the case of any action wether over 1 day or a month pakistan will mobilise all its resources espicially manpower, can India honestly do that. Apparently India has large Pakistan specific trained...
  9. Z

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    I think posts like this should not be allowed to appear it just creates cyber wars India will do this then Pakistan will do that bla bla bla. Pakistan , China and India both have substansial millitary power in the region. I personally as a Pakistani do not see war with India only war mongering...
  10. Z

    Pakistanis see US as bigger threat than India, Taliban: Poll

    For any major change the PPP have to leave office in Pakistan. Nawaz Sharif is blatently the next President but for some reasons i see better governance but nothing radically reformal or even revoloutionary that pakistan badly requires. At this moment in time i am sick of seeing our leaders ask...
  11. Z

    Pakistanis see US as bigger threat than India, Taliban: Poll

    In this world people mourn the death of a British soldier and American soldier to an exxagurated level. Espicially the media. No disrespect but the innocents killed in Afghanistan, Drone attacks in Pakistan & Iraq cant all be terrorists. But they are always forgotten. American dollars funded the...
  12. Z

    Israelis are becoming less confident of the US ability to control Pakistan's nukes

    it was just a term, if you follow the media the taliban at any moment can attack pakistans nuclear installations ( in their dreams) and get hold of a nuclear bomb whereas Pakistans actual storage facilities are the top secret of a selected few just like any other countries storage facilities
  13. Z

    Israelis are becoming less confident of the US ability to control Pakistan's nukes

    THE taliban has a better intelligance community than America does. the CIA cant confirm the exact locations of pakistans nukes but the taliban can. Says alot. India wants pak to denuclearise why? because its in your favour. If the mullahs control our nukes then the hindu monks control yours. The...
  14. Z

    US Army major kills 12 in shooting rampage

    This is what the impact of war does on soldiers. The sad sad thing is the soldiers in Iraq Afghanistan are not dieing for your country they are dieing for Capitalism. Since when did Iraq and Afghanistan have the capacity to attack the US even if it did the technology the USA got just defending...
  15. Z

    Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

    Everyday the Indian elite give analysis of the sour state of Pakistan atm and how the nuclear bombs are falling in the hands of the taliban. India should be worried to their bombs might fall into the hands of the Maoists. People are talking about how much of our military strength is being used...
  16. Z

    Is Pakistan Too Big to Fail?

    :pakistan: Pakistan needs a revoloution. Not any revoloution a working class revoloution. The poor dont have bank Accounts in Dubai, London etc. The political elite need to be removed. Proper peoples government needs to be in power where there can be education growth and prosperity. Just look at...
  17. Z

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    :pakistan: Pakistan has always had its dooms day predictions and theorists ever since it was created. For a country that borrows money to feed itself it has nuclear power. A Muslim country with nuclear power. Why was that such a sour pill for the world to digest? Isreal has nukes to wipe Arabs...
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