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  1. P

    Pakistan faces blackmail on international stage: Fazl

    I think that the intersection of international pressures and local politics can really shape the future. Speaking of which, I recently came across some insightful tips on dealing with online blackmail through digital investigation at...
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    Canada updates travel advisory for India

    I think it's crucial for countries to prioritize the safety of their citizens when issuing travel advisories. Canada's move to advise caution for travel to India reflects responsible governance. As someone who loves to travel and explore new places, I understand the importance of staying...
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    Why is bicycle not popular in Pakistan?

    By the way, if you're a cyclist in the UK, you might want to check out Sundays Insurance for bike insurance coverage. Their website, https://sundaysinsurance.co.uk/, provides options to protect your bike and have peace of mind while cycling.
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    Why is bicycle not popular in Pakistan?

    Changing people's perception and promoting the idea that bicycles are associated with hardworking and industrious individuals rather than poverty could definitely have an impact over time. Posters and other awareness campaigns might be a great way to spread this message and encourage more people...
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    Did PTI Really Provide $3 Billion Of Free Loans Through TERF?

    Mortgage brokers can provide expertise and guidance on a wide range of financial matters, including loans, credit, and debt management. They can also help you find the best loan options for your specific needs and financial situation.
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    Did PTI Really Provide $3 Billion Of Free Loans Through TERF?

    IDK the specific situation regarding PTI and their alleged provision of free loans through TERF, so I can't speak to that directly. However, if you're looking for advice or guidance on loans or financing, I recommend reaching out to a mortgage broker in Telford.
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    Govt plans to launch health insurance scheme, says PM

    If you're interested in learning more about individual health insurance options, I came across this website https://ibgportland.com/individual-health-insurance that offers helpful information. It's always good to have options and make informed decisions when it comes to our health.
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    Govt plans to launch health insurance scheme, says PM

    I stumbled upon this forum and was intrigued by the news that the government plans to launch a health insurance scheme to provide free health services to the poor. It's important to note that this scheme may not cover all individuals and may have limitations. That's why having individual health...
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    Non-opening of LCs in banks: Medicine, medical equipment crisis likely to grip country

    Wow, this sounds like a dire situation. Hopefully, the government will take swift action to address this issue and prevent it from worsening. In the meantime, it might be a good idea for healthcare workers to take extra precautions to protect themselves while they continue to provide care to...
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    Anyone heard of kratom?

    Personally, mindbodygreen.com helps me with these conditions, maybe it will be useful for you too. It's important to remember that any substance can have potential side effects, and it's possible that kratom may have played a role in your previous psychotic episode.
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    Anyone heard of kratom?

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with psychosis and delusions. It sounds like a really difficult situation to be in, and it's understandable that you're scared of going through that again. I've heard of kratom before, and I know some people find it helpful for managing mood and anxiety.
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