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  1. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    Why do we forget guys........This part of the world (subcontinent) was super power before English came and divided us and made us third world countries.... So solution is infront of us..............UNITY>>>>>>>>
  2. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    i have been following this thread for few days now and I must say my hate towards india have somewhat Lessened. I can see hope in future generation of india coming more towards dialogue. To sum up, we both want prosperity in our countries. For the last 62 yrs we have only seen wars and...
  3. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    How funny ....jumbo country, one of the top country in poverty list but also day dreaming of becoming a super power....huge numbers in forces.... no comparison with pakistan and yet u find pak land the biggest threat.... it says it all mate..... hehhee
  4. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    Now that is ur true face.............I am sick of hearing ur so called might....and yet in the battlefield all u do best is ....RUN!!!!11
  5. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    Thanks for ur concerns..........May be u r not satisfied with number of ppl getting blasted everyday..... u r right ppl like me r in minority as we don't turst india and have the ability to see beyond ur fake smiles..
  6. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    KEEP IT UP .....PAKSHAHEEN 79....
  7. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    I like it...........first fund the terrorist organisations in Balochistan and then wanna shake hands........... ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS.......... and I am afraid indian polices and actions against pakistan r disgusting and yes...If you spend half of what u spend on lobbying against...
  8. R

    Hillary Clinton put in Hot Seat by Pakistani Media

    Anyone with their right mind can see, how much Pakistan has sacrified in this war....yet americans dare to blaim pak for doing less, (so as indians) .......they deserve alot more grilling than this............. I think it's out elites who need to be tough......jouranlist can only make us little...
  9. R

    Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

    Do u really think indians r aggressive.........I think indians r full of verbal agression..........whereas ppl of pak land can be both..... I agree India will never accept Pakistan, but I am afraid it's a fact and India will have to accept this sooner rather than later, as nobody wants another...
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