It definitely does goes against the Islam, not Sunni... some hardcore Shia use poetry which are invoking Shirk, Asking Ali RA for help or saying things like Mushkil Kusha or helper, no matter how much anyone sugar coat this, its all Shirk and not allowed in Islam...
Baba's and Peer faqeers in Muslim majority countries are nothing but frauds, there are thousands of people deprived of Faith goes to these dead baba's mazar for their mannat and other BS, when Allah has told us that your prayer comes directly to me, and those dead baba's can't even do anything...
Kashmir is a lost cause, Pakistan Army has sold it off so I don't know why these fighters are wasting their lives and breath on it? when Pakistan wants them to do something like in 1965 and 1999, they (Kashmiri's) didn't do sh!t, but few of them are just doing random attacks.
I literally explained to you what Disbelieve is, of course a huge Part of Quran is beyond my full understanding which I have no shame in accepting but even scholars who are studying Quran for decades sometimes left scratching their heads over a verse. I am not associating the verse explicitly to...
Sure, but who is a disbeliever ? Anyone who disbelieve in God or associate partners with Allah, even the Pagans of Mecca has the concept of a God, rest are daughters of God. And yet Quran called them disbelievers, my understanding of 12ver Shia's is that they are not believers, but close to to...
No it doesn't, I may not be a Panch waqta Namazi aur the Ideal Musalmaan but I don't innovate in religion, 6 Articles of Faith and 5 Pillars of Islam are well defined, deen has been completed. There are well defined boundaries in Islam which can makes you a Non Muslim, and for the very very very...
Once again, don't care what you think... I usually make my opinions based on my own research, of course my opinion don't matter because blind following blind never stops, there are people who believe in Monkey Gods and Elephant Gods, so stories in Shia religion are no different than theirs. As...