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  1. Ymir

    Elon Musk launches 2 astronauts in 7 man capable Dragon

    It cost the US $86 million per seat for a ride on a Soyuz... SpaceX does that for a fraction of the cost. A ride on SpaceX's Dragon is reported to cost just $55 million per seat (Boeing's Dreamliner is estimated to cost $70 million per seat). Oh, and SpaceX can recycle and reuse their launchers...
  2. Ymir

    Bangladesh continues leading the way

    I've been in Bamako, Gao and Timbuktu alongside Norway's peacekeepers in Mali in support of MINUSMA, can't say I saw any Bangladeshi personnel. Where in Mali are they stationed? But good on Bangladesh. UN mission work is thankless, often dangerous work. I'm guessing female peacekeepers or...
  3. Ymir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    French destroyer Aquitaine and Norwegian frigate Thor Heyerdahl mark 80 years since the battles in Narvik. Photos taken from KV Harstad, a Norwegian Outer Coastguard OPV
  4. Ymir

    Why Pakistan needs an Aircraft Carrier and long Range bombers

    How do you protect a carrier or long-ranged bomber? Pakistan can't call upon the various bases the US or UK can, even China struggles to project power and it has long-range escorts and replenishment capabilities. Ignore for a second the US who are in a league of there own and look at Russia...
  5. Ymir

    Italy delivering surplus self-propelled howitzers to Pakistan Army

    No. Take it from someone who was present during K9 trials in Norway - the K9 vastly out performs the M109 (the company I worked for at the time does a lot of work on the electronics featured on Norwegian and allied armor). Italy's former M109Ls are older A2/A3 models, just with Italian guns and...
  6. Ymir

    Italy delivering surplus self-propelled howitzers to Pakistan Army

    They'll likely be placed in storage (42 already are and just 14 are in active service), but Norway has 56 M109A3GNs that are being replaced by the South Korean K9, the first of which has already been delivered. Like with its surplus F-16s, being phased out in favor of the F-35 (25 of which...
  7. Ymir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    TMBN deployed in Lithuania as part of the NATO eFP initiative.
  8. Ymir

    The teeth of the Milgem light frigate, the Atmaca beyond line of sight strike missile

    Atmaca is, by all estimations, just a Turkish Harpoon equivalent. Nothing overly special or unique, just another step taken by Turkey to lessen its reliance on Western (mainly the United States) suppliers. For Pakistan is could be an attractive option as a one-to-one replacement for their older...
  9. Ymir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    NASAMS III unit composition. Photos from a 10 May, 2020 air defence exercise. Common Tactical Operation Center. Auxiliary power unit. Electro-optical tracking system. Launcher in transit. Launcher and reloading mechanism. Launcher, with extended radio mast.
  10. Ymir

    SpaceX Crew Dragon Launch Live Stream!

    Eek, the weather looks uncooperative:undecided:. Black clouds all around the launch area. Got a feeling they'll look to launch on the 30th instead. Update: Trying again on the 30th. Weather just not right today.
  11. Ymir

    F-22 / F-35 5th Generation jets | News & Discussions.

    Norway currently has 4 of its F-35As stationed in Iceland as part of NATO's Icelandic Air Policing mission. Interceptions of Russian aircraft have already occurred, the most recent of which were a MiG-31 and a TU-142R
  12. Ymir

    Norwegian Armed Forces

    Norwegian Task Unit 6 at Al-Assad Air Base in Iraq.
  13. Ymir

    F-22 / F-35 5th Generation jets | News & Discussions.

    AM-23, AM-24 and AM-25 landed in Norway yesterday (26 May, 2020). B-1B heavy bombers of the 34th Bomb Squadron, 28th Bomb Wing fly with 4 Norwegian Air Force F-35As on 20 May, 2020.
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