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    Pakistani Sikhs want to flee to India

    Well well, looks like my so called countrymen have short memories. Was it not the sikhs that killed, raped, looted innocent people who moved to or tried to move to pakistani side during partition?. During the time of partition people had a choice to remain or leave what is pakistan now...
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    Reunification of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

    You are wright, they feel that central asia, afghanistan, and parts of pakistan is theirs. Afghans and most central asians people are connected to what is now pakistan, punjabis and other pakistani ethnic groups carry turkic afghan blood. This started when the afghan and turks pushed...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Dear agnostic may be my words were not well chosen, i didnt specifically say him. Now is obama black or white? Answer is neither, he is mixed race, to refer to some one in that manner is hardly xenophobic or insulting. me i am showing solidarity with my people who are being killed in...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    And your point is?. Just for your information to be a pushtoon your mother and father have to be pushtoons, if you minus one of the above then you are mixed race and not a pushtoon.
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Iceman sir i refuse to argue just look at facts. most pushtoons vote anp, anp stands for pushtoons of both sides. look at anp sucess in karachi. punjabis and sindhis are my countrymen, why pushtoons die for them is because its our duty to fight external elements. however turans and...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Keep dreaming sand jigga, one thing we dont need is an arab opinion, our enemies since the days of uthmania.
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Because the name pakistan stands for inequality, injustice, opression. I am a muslim and then a pushtoon then a pakistani. Why, because you only need to read history, eliminating names of pushtoon leaders fom bacha khan, killing of liquat ali khan, killing of akbar bugti, opressing people of...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    why would we want to sit down with anyone, its our land we call it what we like and no other has ay say cuz they aint of pushtoon or afghan/ turanic heritage. Why should we care what punjabis or sihdhis think, dont trust these people our trust is balochs and people on the otherside of the...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Well said bangash its good to know there are still proud and independent minded pushtoons out there, not like many who are diluted and have sold their brothers for modern day 30 pieces of silver.
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Check what ever you like i am a pushtoon a yousufzoi pushtoon and part of the greater turanic family, there is no propaganda just facts and truth. People of nwfp are afghans by decent wether you like it accept it or not i couldnt care less. I am a pakistani and loyal to it, but is pakistan...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    what i would like to know from fellow members here is why they are so anti name change, is it not up to the people of nwfp? Do you think its fair that a quota system gives more to punjab as it has higher poulation? Doo you not think it should be equal regardless of population percentage? , and...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Well you may represent the views of khattacks but there many pushtoons other then khattacks such as afridis, mohmands, bangash, yousufzoi and many others i doubt you speak for them, mind you khattacks were the weakest link of pushtoon family so not suprised at your comments. Your brothers are...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    khushal khan khatttack was a classic example of a pushtoon looser, the only name from modern era that can even be considered is after the great khan himself khan abdul ghaffar khan.
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    As in the secret manifesto of ANP any other group that has no afghan turanic linage will be only allowed to live temporarily in nwfp and purchasing of property etc on permanent basis for those individuals will be not allowed, there is not high percentage of non afghan/turanic people in nwfp and...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    Who proposed these names? Well not majority of pushtoons or ANP proposed those names, those names were proposed buy outsider or shall i say non pushtoons to eliminate them from their historical roots. If you was to hold a referendum that majority will seek the name afghania as its represents...
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    Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, new name for NWFP

    I believe that time is now right for the change of name, calling it pokhtoonkhwa is not the best of name as there hazara people and some others that reside in the province who are not pushtton, so am not too keen on this name. I think the name afghania represents all that live in nwfp, khyber...
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    Are Taliban descendants of Israelites?

    Pushtoons are central asian people turans, no connection with isralites, its just silly theories and illiterate khan will say what ever to sell his story. Taliban has no connection with pushttonism they have their own ideology however most are pushtoons.
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    Taliban ask Imran to be mediator with Pak govt

    Well he is half pushtoon, a muslim and a pakistani before any of that. He has a different school of thought.He has carried out humanatarian projects such as hospitals etc. Running pakistan is a bit more difficult then a cricket squad and politics is a dirty game.
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    Pakistan Independence - Why Pakistan?

    This notion that pakistan is secular is not true, those sikhs and hindus that stayed at time of partition made their choice to stay. pakistan is an islamic republic, other people of different religions can live without fear, but that doesnt make pakistan secular. pakistan was created in...
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