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  1. P

    Taliban suffocate Pakistan Buddhist heritage

    Stop all this "idol-worshipping haram" stuff please. Its insulting to non-muslims. If you want to criticize religion, then criticize all religions equally. Otherwise, don't expect non-muslims to respect you if you cannot do the same.
  2. P

    Major changes over at Daily Times

    If true, then its a worrying development. Daily Times is one of the precious few rational voices left in Pakistan. Lets see how this affects the quality and tone of the publication.
  3. P

    Mumbai Attacks

    Even the Italians have joined in the anti-Pakistan propaganda!
  4. P

    US: Expert (Christine Fair - RAND) who infuriated India offered key post

    ^Is India sponsoring the TTP in Pakistan? NO. That's the fact. You can complain about the past all you want, but that's no excuse to blame India for the current mess just because of history. Its nonsense, and you know it.
  5. P

    Taliban suffocate Pakistan Buddhist heritage

    ^ :lol: You, my friend, are brilliant entertainment.
  6. P

    US Analyst: CIA / US is behind ALL insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan

    I thought Rahman Malik said that India was behind it? Make up your mind people.
  7. P

    Singh says not clear who controls Pakistan army

    ^Your own government accepted that the attackers were Pakistani, so stop whining and ask Nawaz Sharif and Zardari why instead of spamming here. Okay?
  8. P

    Sikh-Americans to protest Indian PM visit

    Looks like a couple of mental patients forgot to take their meds :lol:
  9. P

    Indian media--Hurriyat chief Mirwaiz Umar Farooq invited to China

    I hope he meets up with some of his Uyghur buddies.
  10. P

    Are The Afghan Taliban Different From The Pakistani Taliban?

    Gambit: You Americans (myself being one...or in transition at the very least) need to understand that it is not in the Pakistan Army's core interests to see the US succeed in Afghanistan. they see Afghanistan as their own playground, and any stable government there will become a friendly...
  11. P

    Singh says not clear who controls Pakistan army

    Regarding Nukes, he said that India was prepared for "all contingencies", but that the Americans had assured him that Pakistan's nukes are in safe hands. Unfortunately, some idiots love to take two words and form their own sentences. Go watcht the actual interview instead of posting some...
  12. P

    Singh says not clear who controls Pakistan army

    His comments were in response to direct questions regarding his views on the matter. They were perfectly fine, and I might add, truthful.
  13. P

    Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

    ^Makin Taj Mahal doesn't mean sh*t. Never mind, you're too dumb to understand.
  14. P

    Ram Jethmalani's comments anger Saudi ambassador

    Jupiter, you're an intolerant puritan who will cause a great deal of violence and suffering if given a position of power.
  15. P

    Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

    ^And I suppose Pakistan was a heaven of civilization while the "gold guns and civil wars" were going on? You need to study some real history, not the feel-good crap off the internet.
  16. P

    Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

    Yes genius. America is a country of immigrants. You think all those Jews, Chinese and Indians aren't American? :lol:
  17. P

    Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

    ^Excuses excuses... why aren't we developed? 5000 years of civilization and all rite? Face it. Americans are smarter.
  18. P

    Taliban chief Mullah Omar in Karachi: The Washington Times

    Seriously, stop complaining about dumb americans. Most people in our great part of the world can't even spell their own names.
  19. P

    Ram Jethmalani's comments anger Saudi ambassador

    Enlightening thread. Especially the last post. Wonderful display of the reasons why Muslims are in such deep trouble. My advice: Jettison the puritanism. You'll all be a lot more peaceful and happy. Guaranteed.
  20. P

    92 killed in China mine disaster: state media

    92 killed in China mine disaster: state media The death toll from a coalmine blast in north-east China has climbed to 92 as rescuers hunt for 16 workers still trapped deep underground in the nation's deadliest mine disaster in two years. The explosion early on Saturday tore through the...
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