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  1. M

    Power Breakdown in Pakistan - Major cities plunged into darkness

    Every disaster is an opportunity to improve and demand a strong and immediate attention. Hope a wave of massive repair and new installation will be sanction to improve the country infrastructure for future.
  2. M

    US unhappy with India's S-400 air defence system deal with Russia, warns of this action

    #1 India is using China card to get latest American tech. nothing else, all LAC is hyped nothing else but, to get American aid, tech. ( They get BECA, Drones, PI, skip sanction all under this fake china umbrella of LAC ) #2 US need India more than India need US: US cant overtake china without...
  3. M

    US unhappy with India's S-400 air defence system deal with Russia, warns of this action

    Very true, but reality is exactly opposite of what you had said. India is the only country which had diversified the defence, due to very same reason to avoid single dependency. Air Force ( Israel , French, UK , Russia ) Navy: ( Russia, French, US) Army ( All over the world ) The problem is...
  4. M

    US unhappy with India's S-400 air defence system deal with Russia, warns of this action

    I believe this is to put pressure on Turkey, nothing related to India. India will get all waiver for at least next decade with no question asked and will also get latest and greatest American weapon. F-18 is already offered.
  5. M

    China Denies Seeking Additional Guarantees For USD 6 Billion Loan For Rail Project In Pakistan

    There is no permanent friend or foe , if Pakistan can not learn from US and Saudi's back stabbing, they will never learn from China. This was expected to happen, sooner or later. This is how world works. No one give free money. Never trust Chinese investment. It is good for temporary cause but...
  6. M

    Message To Iran: Navy Sends Guided Missile Submarine On Rare Trip Into The Persian Gulf (Updated)

    Lets hope war dont start as it is bad for both sides. World is already struggling with pandemic.
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    Japan sets record $52 billion military budget to counter China's growing military power

    Good move, Japan is a developed nation and can easily afford more defense spending. But self reliant is a turtle race, it take few decades but some one had to start it anyway.
  8. M

    2020 /21 Covid-19 new virus strain news and discussions.

    Nothing new here, mutation is usual behavior of every virus. But precaution is always better and helps to avoid worst if happened. Current mutation rate is one mutation every two week, that is just too slow to make vaccine ineffective.
  9. M

    Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

    BD is a tiny nation, it will always accept Indian pressure/Bully forever, Unfortunately thats how the world and nature works. Strong bully the weak.
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    Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

    But he is FM, so the immigrant visa issue is under his charter. other problems are there, but not directly under his charter and the purpose of the visit was in fact was to help lift the visa ban.
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    Israeli men going in droves to UAE to "sleep with prostitutes"

    French market will take the hit now.
  12. M

    Featured India plans to attempt surgical strikes against Pakistan: FM Qureshi in UAE

    This had become trend now for every week to announce it here and there. Nothing significance, Mid west and west is allied behind India, I would have expected FM to work on real issue of Immigrant visa, rather he deflected to useless usual weekly song of Indian attack. and outcome of real issue...
  13. M

    Trump signs bill that could kick Chinese firms off U.S. stock exchanges

    This was expected nothing surprising. Next in line is to expect more from Biden administration.
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    Trump reportedly tells Pompeo that he can do anything he wants in Iran bar ‘World War III’

    Lets wait and watch rather than predicting. i guess it will not. World is more selfish now then the past.
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    India No longer a big threat to Pakistan :Ex ISI Chief

    it is still a threat, but Imran Khan manage to pull China into the game, that changes few things in favor. But look at the BLA, TTP daily activities, they had gone 10x compared to the past years.
  16. M

    Why China is so tough in this China-India border tension? Vietnam and other countries should know the reason

    China is a lost country. Historically anyone who went against West is doomed. 1. China got slapped by big sanction not only in India, but every small country on the planet, look at Huawei, had become a handicapped child begging for his life. 2. They are a sinking ship, since economic is...
  17. M

    Featured UAE visa suspension for Pakistan, others due to security concerns: report

    No surprise, sooner or later this was going to happen. this will impact incoming remittance a lot. Need some counter strategy immediately to handle it in short and longer term. Arab use this as bargain chip here and there always.
  18. M

    Featured India leases two MQ-9B Reaper drones from USA

    if the orange clown thinks he can rig the election, nothing can be more delusional than this ? as for Pakistan 10 Rafale ( not 5) and 2 MQ Drone can create a big Havoc. Stop whining like a toddler. So the thread is legitimate to discuss about counter strategies rather than think like headless...
  19. M

    Featured Israeli PM flew to Saudi Arabia, Met Crown Prince of KSA

    Attack on Iran is imminent. Lets see which way the cookie crumbles.
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    Hindu extremist ''Shiv sena'' leader threatens Mumbai based ''Karachi sweets'' shop to change its name

    No Wonder, nationalist theme always works for vote bank across the Globe. are elections coming up ?
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