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  1. Reconquerer

    Pray for people in Chair lift in batgram

    Are there any pictures of the cablecar before the accident? Best of luck to everyone!
  2. Reconquerer

    Erdogan: Turkey to land on moon by 2023 - for the 100th year anniversary

    One could mean, turkey has other problems then the moon... btw, any news about the turkish car? the hp hasn't been updated ever since...
  3. Reconquerer

    ANTI-COVID Riots in Netherlands.

    Suburb migrants rioting...
  4. Reconquerer

    Terror in Vienna

    these two "heros" were members of the biggest rightwing extremist group in Austria and Germany, just to let you know...
  5. Reconquerer

    Terror in Vienna

    atm SIX different sites of crime...
  6. Reconquerer

    Featured France urges Middle Eastern countries to stop boycott of French products

    Freedom of opinion is a basic right in France, as in all other European countries, that's what we fought for, hundreds of years ago! "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!" (The Friends of Voltaire (1906)) We should really start to kick out these...
  7. Reconquerer

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    You will not give me examples, but that's okay... :)
  8. Reconquerer

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    A shisha bar or a kebab stand is no successful company for me!
  9. Reconquerer

    German police storm Berlin mosque

    i only found Erdogan critisising it, show me links then! I am pretty sure these clan members will not go to catholic church for prayers right? xD
  10. Reconquerer

    German police storm Berlin mosque

    äm no, the police action wasn't critisized at anytime, tell me where you havet the BS from! And of course, after the great experiences the Police had with these people, they go better safe then sorry...
  11. Reconquerer

    Thoughts on going back to your homelands (for non-European diaspora in the West)?

    At least for my country that is not true, the first generation of turks was a disaster, and these guys living here now in the third generation are an even bigger disaster. Can you give me a couple of examples how these "more successful, highly educated and holding good positions" immigrants in...
  12. Reconquerer

    Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

    In the way they life, they stand out from the crowd, and they make everybody hate them. I don't just mean Pakistanis in Greece, I mean Muslim in general in Europe. Clearly you didn't understand what I mean, but that's okay!
  13. Reconquerer

    Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

    Of course he is!:pakistan: yes, thats a hundred % true, thats would be the last nail in the coffin of Greece, if Pakistan ever should call its high skilled farm workers home!
  14. Reconquerer

    Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

    No one is getting beaten up, if he/she stays below the radar, but you clearly wouldn't accepted if, let's say, Germans would come to Pakistan to party Oktoberfest, everyone in strange dresses, everyone partying, everyone drunk, right? So why do we have to accept that you come here, because...
  15. Reconquerer

    Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

    thats a wonderful idea, you are so successfull in running your own country, you need to spread the Pakistani lifestyle to the world... NOT xD
  16. Reconquerer

    Featured Mass brawl in Crete between Greeks and Pakistanis

    poor Shahzad Ahmed, a guess he is already an a flight back to Pakistan... or not?
  17. Reconquerer

    Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

    news about the TOGG, in German only I'm afraid. in German only The first prototypes are on the streets - in Germany!:o: TOGG instructed the EDAG engineering company from Fulda/Hesse with the development of the car: "The company from Hessen is responsible for the vehicle development of the...
  18. Reconquerer

    The Systematic Exploitation of Romanian Harvest Workers in Europe

    No they are not, they are absolut losers, and we've been through this already several times!
  19. Reconquerer

    Turkish domestic SUV will be unveiled in next Friday

    The first model is expected to be released in 2022, so roughly 1,5 years... Are there already pictures or videos of TOGGs at -35 degree in North-Sweden or at +50 degree in the Californian dessert? Is there a configurator online already? I can't find any further information, could someone please...
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