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  1. Cyber-war

    The hour of destruction

    IMAM MEHDI(A) will come with Hazrat Essa (A) (Jesus/Christ) before the destruction day! Start preparations.
  2. Cyber-war

    Mosque gives Shelter to Hindu families displaced by Kerala Floods

    House of GOD is open for everyone!
  3. Cyber-war

    Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New USA Policy.

    Pakistan Is Taking a Dark Turn. It's Time for a New US Policy. Pakistanis went to the polls last month for elections to choose their provincial and national leaders, and the results were disturbing. Imran Khan—a 65-year-old former cricket star turned Islamo-nationalist politician—was declared...
  4. Cyber-war

    Anwar Majeed with FIA, Zardari in trouble.

    When will we recover all ill-gotten money from corrupt Politicians across the board. Only NS came he's in Jail but nothing is happening just only TOPI-Drama. Start accountability like Malaysia/S.A model as soon as possible & recover the ill-gotten money. NAB is also playing games and doing...
  5. Cyber-war

    Meet The Pakistani Donald Trump | The Daily Show With Trevor Noah

    Incomparable & matchless! without equal, beyond compare, unparalleled, matchless, peerless, unmatched, without parallel, beyond comparison, second to none, in a class of its/one's own, unequaled, unrivaled, inimitable, nonpareil.
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