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  1. Agha Sher

    Somali National Army (SNA)

    How is it going on the ground? Has stability improved and is Al Shabab beaten back in some areas? Also, any updates on the TB2s in Somalia?
  2. Agha Sher

    The future of air warfare: Bayraktar KIZILELMA

    How many of those companies in India and China are making +1bn USD in revenue? How many of those have developed technologies which revolutionised warfare? When Baykar Technology is saying they are doing something, it will be done - and they have the ressources to invest massively in R&D. Also...
  3. Agha Sher

    The future of air warfare: Bayraktar KIZILELMA

    The company is working on Space Technologies as well. The founder is Europe's and Asia's Elon Musk and will make Turkey only 2nd to USA and China.
  4. Agha Sher

    The future of air warfare: Bayraktar KIZILELMA

    This is the 1st prototype. First flight next year. Not of the 1st prototype. This is not a wingman but an independent air combat platform (the first of its kind). However, it can be used alongside the TF-X. This a standalone air combat platform (but can be used with TF-X). TF-Xs wingman is...
  5. Agha Sher

    Akinic Drone of Turkey gets its first export order

    Vestel Karayel should be 2. It was spotted at an Hungarian air base.
  6. Agha Sher

    Pakistan unveils BW20 and BW21 rifles

    The testing videos looks great. Hope the project is succesful!
  7. Agha Sher

    Taliban release first budget since Afghan takeover

    Bismillah. This is a humble beginning but things will hopefully get better with time. We need investments from China and Pakistan. The railway under construction which will link Pakistan to Central Asia will be a great source of revenue.
  8. Agha Sher

    Uzbek and Pashtun Taliban at Loggerheads with each other in the Northern Provinces

    Update: No clashes between Taliban of any ethnicity in Faryab. A few hundred angry protestors overmanned a military vehicle and took its weapons. Protestors are angry that a senior local Taliban commander was arrested. Taliban is probably just clearing its ranks from warlords as they allied...
  9. Agha Sher

    Uzbek and Pashtun Taliban at Loggerheads with each other in the Northern Provinces

    Source is a known liar making up stuff as he goes.
  10. Agha Sher

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    The Hürjet :turkey: ' 3 to 4 prototypes are currently being constructed with the first flight expected to happen in early 2023.
  11. Agha Sher

    The new TAI facilities and national combat aircraft engineering center opened.

    Why would you name your own airbase that?
  12. Agha Sher

    Young Chinese not having babies

    The Israeli numbers ,might look good on the surface but they are a headache to the regime. The number is high because of two factors. 1) Israeli arabs getting more kids than the general population 2) Haredi jews getting almost a dozen kids per family. These ultra-orthodox jews are up to no good...
  13. Agha Sher

    If anti-Muslim campaign continues: Naseeruddin Shah warns of civil war in India

    It is not their fault. A lifetime of propaganda against Pakistan affected them. It is our obligation to aide innocent muslims from these monsters.
  14. Agha Sher

    If anti-Muslim campaign continues: Naseeruddin Shah warns of civil war in India

    Indian muslims must defend themselves. In case of civil war they will be supported directly on the field from the east, west and north
  15. Agha Sher

    Russia claims that 10.000 NATO forces are actully inside Ukraine

    The russians are either drunk or have lost it completely
  16. Agha Sher

    Border Clash Between Afghanistan & Pakistan: Afghanistan Protecting TTP

    This has to end. Taliban leadership needs to get these local commanders in line.
  17. Agha Sher

    Akinci & Aksungur and Turkish Unmanned Fighter Aircraft Program

    TAI ANKA with a long range strike package. quite interesting.
  18. Agha Sher

    Video: Hindu Terrorists Thrash a Muslim Boy for Having an Alleged Love Affair with Hindu Girl

    Animals that don't deserve to live. Hoping for the quick return of the days were we put their necks to the sword.
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