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  1. Z

    Does PA have these specialized trades?

    Like Drafting and Survey Technician? Geomatics Technician? Secondly , why dont PA hire directly officers for Construction Engineering Officer, Logistics Officer, Bioscience Officer instead of hiring general inter/ba pass officers and the retraining.loosing alot of talents. please visits...
  2. Z

    Hasina wants to punish Bangladeshis still in "Love with Pakistan"

    bangladesh would dissappear physically so SK would not have any country to rule. Atlease would loose a sizeable portion to water.so we dont need to worry...! A three-foot rise in sea level would submerge almost 20 percent of the country and displace more than 30 million people—and the actual...
  3. Z

    Which organization performs Economic/Industrial Espionage for Pakistan?

    It is vital to have industries for countries to flourish! Soviets and China did espionage to bring new industries and to grow economically. I am not talking about military specific only. More like getting blue prints/know how/human scientist tehnician for making electric car, new metals, niche...
  4. Z

    Why no major local production/TOT with help from countries like South Africa & Serbia?

    Why so far there is no major/minor collaboration with SA/Serbia despite these countries willing to share technologies. Nothing on Nora/Denel or any SAM systems. Lots of visits, MOU with defence officials but no real progress? It could help diversify and built on relationship like the once with...
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