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  1. On the Edge

    Dollar hoes now selling artillery to UK who are delivering to Israel?

    FFS Imraandoos have totally lost it now Do you really think Pak is in position to demand an EUC for these sales from a country like UK?
  2. On the Edge

    Kubra Khan Responds...

    he was such a nobody until PTI folks started giving him views, and he is avidly encashing this temporary popularity by regularly posting total bullshit.
  3. On the Edge

    Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

    true but last 5 years of trying to reconcile with these barbarians proved even more devastating Gen faiz and his civilian friend imran khan should be held accountable for trying to bring these animals back into Pak broken shackles of slavery ? lol
  4. On the Edge

    Kubra Khan Responds...

    its really sad and unfortunate that few of our fellow Pakistanis are prepared to spread any kind of lies and bullshit against anyone as long as it gives face to khan's mantra these people have gone totally mad
  5. On the Edge

    Imran Khan !!!

    obviously 2018 but then mushy days were even better, pml n start was okish too before dharna old times always seem better than the present times if PPP Noon and military dictators were not good at managing the govt/country, khan turned out either just like them or even worse in some scenarios
  6. On the Edge

    Pakistan army bombarding TTP positions with 105mm artillery fire || Operation Khyber IV

    drug smuggling, kidnappings ransom terrorism cave mentality society
  7. On the Edge

    Imran Khan !!!

    those who follow Imran khan blindly, do they forget how terrible imran khan was at running the govt when he was given golden chance to rule with full power with estab judiciary on his side and no terrorism? BUZDAR, an idiot was given CM ship, economic management was clueless for the 1st year...
  8. On the Edge

    Will approach international courts against Umar Zahoor, Jang Group over gift sale allegation: Imran

    lets make this a sticky thread so we can keep track of this progress, lets see if they really go to court
  9. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    yea that's what I asked, what make you think we are standing with namruds?
  10. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    what makes you people think that whoever differs with khan is pro nawaz and po zardari?
  11. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    what is the right side of history? Believing whatever khan says?
  12. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    every accidental death is tragic, but this one was so avoidable, feeling really really sad for this woman and her 4 kids left behind
  13. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    You wont get an answer for this. the moment these lovers know that it might come back at khan, they start abusing and start comparisons with Maryam/nawaz/zardari, essentially admitting khan is no better than those so called chors If they had ability to think neutrally, you really think we would...
  14. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    that's your choice, look around near you, you might find many more pairs to lust over, which I am sure you already have But no need to defend each and every stupid move by these greedy and selfish politicians
  15. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    just wait until 'Arsalan baita' puts this death on Generals, these khan lovers are waiting for the trends to start so that they can post their bullshit memes here defending Journalists' death
  16. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    my mistake, you are another 'high on khan handsome celebrity hero saviour magic pill' no logic or discussion can work on you until Peerni's magic spell breaks on weak minds like yours
  17. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    and what does that have to do with today? whats the context?
  18. On the Edge

    PTI Haqeeqi Azadi March Oct 2022 - News and Updates

    IK hosh kay nakhon lu, your march has already flopped and now this tragic death of an innocent hard working Journalist, she had 4 children. Who is responsible for her death? who was responsible to ensure safety of people in and around container? What a dumb clown show khan has been running...
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