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  1. Sayyaf

    Male Chromosome Evolves the Fastest

    What's this got to do with missiles? unless we are going to arm our missiles with a very advanced warhead made out of male chromosomes, i find this silly and has nothing to do with missiles and WMD's! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  2. Sayyaf

    Heavy Industries Taxila - Weapons Guide and Specifications

    I have a question, are we importing these SP artillery guns, or are we making them indigenously? :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  3. Sayyaf

    Saudi Special forces

    Salaam! i don't know why some people on this thread are so attached to Saudi Arabia and the royal family! I mean i agree that they did a lot of good stuff for their country, but we can't forget that these were the same people who betrayed the Ottoman Caliphate! How can we forget that these are...
  4. Sayyaf

    General Akhtar Abdul Rahman: Architect of the death of USSR

    A Few Good Men Pakistan Ka Khuda Hafiz This is a story of an orphan who belonged to a small village where he spent his childhood and where there was no one to lead him except his mother. This is the story of a general who formed one of the world’s most efficient and feared secret service...
  5. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    My point isn't that Pakistan is a developed country! And neither am i wet dreaming about invading india! i guess your right we should stick to the topic! In my opinion india can't invade Pakistan because Pakistan has enough capability to defend itself! This article is old and therefore is...
  6. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    and don't forget to take your shining india:wave:! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  7. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    on one side you have a good economy, and on the other side you have all this poverty and illegal activity in your country! its just like not having a economy at all isn't it? :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  8. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    hmmm, i kinda agree! But i will assure you that MashaAllah Pakistan has the full capability to defend itself, so i don't think you guys can invade Pakistan! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  9. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    of course you scared! your su-30's ran back across the border after they were spotted by our f-16's! what exactly is the point of that economy of yours? you have slums in your cities (even Capital Delhi)! 2.8 million+ under age prostitutes, and more than 400 million+ plus living under global...
  10. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    Chill out everyone! just chill! cool it down, breath in and out! Although i do agree, you indians need to stop making silly predictions of invading Pakistan (god forbid)! You start the arguments and we only reply back, if you don't like our replies than don't post such silly nonsense...
  11. Sayyaf

    India felt it would win nuclear war with Pakistan

    :rofl::rofl::rofl: must be the biggest joke on the face of the earth! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  12. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    outstanding pace? 400 million+ people living under global poverty line, is that what you call outstanding? if so, the i hope for the best for you! speaking of hate, its not like our army generals are threatening to attack india! And i'm only providing you the facts! you and your fellow...
  13. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    Am i sure? seriously why did you ask me this question? i didn't even have to answer this question! but since you insist! I'm sure because your armed forces don't even have the guts to cross our border! Lol, don't forget what happened after mumbai attacks! Your SU-30's crossed our...
  14. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    I'm not saying this, Al-Jazeera is! BTW, i said Afghan Taliban, not TTP! however he could be a renegade soldier because i posted a video on this forum where during Musharraf's time he arrested a few officers and soldiers who had strong ties with Taliban! maybe some ran across the border...
  15. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    East Pakistan was a whole different story! The Bengalis were fed with anti Pakistani and anti Punjabi propaganda by indians and their allies in east Pakistan so they fell for the trap and joined the rebellion that Pakistan army had successfully finished! BTW, Pakistan was under sanctions in...
  16. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    Of course every army and special forces made mistakes in the past and leaned from those mistakes! It gives experience to the army to avoid such mistakes in the future! :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
  17. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    That is exactly what the Iraqi Republican guard did, they formed insurgent groups to put up a stiff resistance against occupying forces! Also, i saw a Al-Jazeera video on youtube of a "former" Pakistani soldier training the Afghan Taliban against American, NATO, and ISAF forces...
  18. Sayyaf

    The Nuclear Battlefield - India vs Pakistan

    Who's going to punch *** from the north? China? We have no enemies to the north How are you going to blockade from the Souht? Aircraft carriers? We have missiles to take those out! Balochis don't hate Pakistan, only the few whom your RAW is funding, and i haven't heard from BLA for a long...
  19. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    Salaam! sorry bro but your wrong there! It wasn't the british who started this special forces concept, it was the Ottoman Turks! Have you ever heard of the Janissary? They were the Elite army of the Sultan and they were very dangerous on the battle field! MashaAllah Muslims have always been...
  20. Sayyaf

    The World's Best Special Forces

    1971, you asked where was SSG in 1971? i'll tell you, they fought to the bitter end! But i have to hand it to you indians, your cowards! You attacked Pakistan in our civil war (basically you attacked a wounded lion)! Try being a man and attack us now, and we'll make a very bad example out...
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