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  1. Code_Geass

    JF-17 Block-3 -- Updates, News & Discussion

    Nobody have janes subscription here??
  2. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    I know the some facts and trying to stop fake news from spreading you can bash him on something else which i wont know something about like his involvement in punjab govt i will simply ignore that thread
  3. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Ley me tell you once again this year growers are getting much higher prices today i was told some people in sindh paying 260 even support price in 192 there
  4. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    People here only bashing without providing solid proof of any influence jkt used to get what advantages to its mills exclusively
  5. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Textile industry got neglected so much in pmln tenure because they didn't have any political clout
  6. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Read the whole article as well.. It mentions sugar mills owners have always been in government setup be pmln ppp or pti you wont believe but the the support sugar mills industry got in pmln is unmatched by pti so far..
  7. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Haha what a joke growers always become innocent in the end bhai they are getting well above support price next year they will be planting more cane and sugar will become excess in 2 years
  8. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Mills have been under greater scrutiny past year and even if mills are taking advantage of high prices that is under jurisdiction of ccp that is its recent report worked out cost of per kg sugar on ex mill basis rs 70 per kg
  9. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Nawaz and its cousins own about 6-7 but zardari owns many small mills in sindh that are making losses because money is extracted off them
  10. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    That's is what i have been trying to tell people during last pmln tenure to increase salea tax but it was not done despite sugar prices lowest for 2 years now pti govt increased gst to 17% and fight between traders and govt also effecting business there ia augar mafia Let me remind people sindh...
  11. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    You are only looking at percentage change but it doesn't matter much in terms of ROI last whole year was very bad financially the article only telling picture of 1 quarter. It is meaning less to argue if you keep looking at only 1 quarter. So much for mafia that gst was enhanced from 8 to 17%...
  12. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Business recorder analysis of annual statement
  13. Code_Geass

    Jehangir Tareen’s Sugar Mills Post a 170% Increase in Gross Profits in 3 Months

    Could you please compare last five years statements before making any corruption charges???
  14. Code_Geass

    Pakistan poised to get off terror watchdog FATF’s ‘grey list’: Report

    Seems good so far but loads of time left till February when official announcement come out from fatf many thaings can change till then continuous efforts are required to see it through
  15. Code_Geass

    Pakistan Navy Issues NOTAM - Test fires Ghaznavi Missile

    Unlike the previous videos this test didn't show where it hit or dis i miss it
  16. Code_Geass

    Pakistan poised to get off terror watchdog FATF’s ‘grey list’: Report

    Yeah i think the same if we come out early it will be a massive achievement
  17. Code_Geass

    Shortly after wheat, Pakistan experiencing sugar crisis now: The News

    We need people who care in bearucracy who are responsible keeping minimum stocks of necessary items should be mundane and not looked after there is shortage. Sugar has been selling for rs 75-80 in lahore for the last 7-8 months and now they realized it is short, now this panic will increase the...
  18. Code_Geass

    Security personnel to accompany Tigers during Pakistan tour

    Bangladesh has made tour joke, things said and done by Bangladesh shows how low is the level of professionalism in their board.
  19. Code_Geass

    Kashmir, Afghanistan in focus as PM Imran, Trump meet on sidelines of Davos summit

    Heard shah mahmood Qureshi interbiew press conference yesterday Pakistan now seriously asking what have you done for us for Afghanistan deal nothing tangible he clearly mentioned support for Pakistan in fatf lets see next few weeks very crucial we need to get something before they finalize with...
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