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  1. X

    India is humiliatedbby Modi and BJP

    China declare that it will patroll in donglang area clearly,but india or bhutan dare not to declare that ..that's the differences..but I dont call this as china's victory..if china build the road again and india ignore it ,that can be seen as china's victory..but if china never build the road...
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    India & China Agree To Refrain From Aggression After Border Meeting

    you mean "rest of the World Map"is google map?even bhutan dare not to say they have a certern border line with china.. "why don't you guys do follow the same when we entered to disputed area in doklam"if indian allow us to enter the disputed area Kashmir controlled by indian side, maybe we can...
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    China-India Geopolitics: News & Discussions

    lol..if you dont expand baidu map to that big, there is a border line . if you do so, all border line in that map will disappear..so every chinese know he tell a lie..maybe he dont know there are many indian guys works in google.. is there proof that he is a chinese ? the fugitive Tibetan? I can...
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    Make India an enemy and you will lose your lifeline, Chinese experts caution Beijing over Doklam

    It's not right to divide countries to whites and non-whites..their are aslo conflicts between whites countries..and some white countries are our friend..
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    A photo of mini-India in Kashmir takes internet by storm

    Stop talking lie..no one can force another person to give up observing fast..just answer my previous question..
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    Indian police arrests 2 Chinese nationals for stealing, swapping diamonds with fakes

    we just hope you have a trial justly, if it's true ,you can do anything as your law..this kind of guy are not welcome in china..
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    A photo of mini-India in Kashmir takes internet by storm

    Showing this kind of picture is not enough..I wanna know how you treat those muslims who eat Hindu sacred cattle as their regular food..I know some place some muslims were killed ..
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    486 face punishment for links to China’s fake research paper scandal

    It's a shame of china..I hope my gov take a “iron fist” approach on this, and maybe the system judging doctors by their published work is also the problem, if so ,we should reform it..indian guys can laugh at us about this as much as you like and just let your own corrupt officials stay in...
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    China to hold military parade to mark 90th anniversary of PLA.

    yes,but we have a little better ralationship than another party in Taiwan now which is our mutual enemy..
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    Doklam border standoff: Will there be an India-China war?

    lol,good luck to you indians if you believe this kind of articles...
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