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  1. D

    Tata Deal With Lockheed Martin effect on PAF F16 fleet

    Feeling Jealous 8-):p:
  2. D

    Tata Deal With Lockheed Martin effect on PAF F16 fleet

    your negative ratings are telling how much you have contributed to the quality of the forum.
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    Tata Deal With Lockheed Martin effect on PAF F16 fleet

    Is this something that causing irritation in your a$$. you people are so obsessed with each other that you only look into small things rather focusing on the topic.
  4. D

    new paf book launched

    This is not some rocket science. just scan the book and upload the images here. Believe me the book will be fine while scanning
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    New Introductions

    Hi Dammer here hardcore gamer love to be loved not an ordinary guy
  6. D

    US nears $100 billion arms deal for Saudi Arabia

    may be, maybe not
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    Secret tactical missile system spotted in Ukraine

    yes not a secret any more
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    Hundreds feared dead in Mediterranean over the weekend, survivors say

    yes they should, but i think they will not do anything
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    What should I do in Accident

    you should have stopped on the first place
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    What should I do in Accident

    go and find him,,,,,,,come what may
  11. D

    Pakistani man faces terrorism charges in Germany

    should be investigated though
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