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  1. H

    Turkey President Erdogan backs India's UNSC bid

    Frankly he has lesser standing in India than even Bangladesh. Whether economically or defense , Turkey has no relevance in India. Its just seen as a close friend of Pakistan , which is a big negative in the civilized world.
  2. H

    Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

    Never defended or defend gujarat massacre.They are a blot on modi. More than 200 are in jail for the massacres. How many Pakistan army personnel were jailed for the massacres ?
  3. H

    Bangladesh mission in Islamabad observed Genocide Day

    Understand your frustration at being exposed but read the blood telegram , written by the american council general in east pakistan . Even though usa was supporting pakistan in 1971 atrocity , the usa representative was on ground to see the genocide first hand .
  4. H

    Burhan Wani's posters, terror video and ISIS, Pakistan's flags appear in Kashmir

    The sunni muslim kashmiris support isis is not a surprise. Their whole movement is religion based. That they cannot live with different people. Essentially the position of Pakistan also
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