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  1. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    With the end of the Tunisian Campaign, the Allies have won the war for the African Continent. What next? They meet at the Trident Conference in Washington DC to try and figure that out. Meanwhile, the fight in the field continues - in Burma, the Aleutians, China, and the Kuban.
  2. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    Tunis falls to the Allies, but the Axis are still fighting back from their little corner of Tunisia. There is more of the seemingly endless fighting in the Kuban in the Caucasus, and the Chinese Theater comes to life with a new Japanese offensive.
  3. Mumm-Ra

    Game of Thrones fans?

    I hope it does not follow the path of GOT...
  4. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    The Allies launch a deception operation to hide their intent of soon attacking Sicily, but first, they'll actually have to secure Tunisia, and it is slow going. A German offensive in the Caucasus grinds to a halt, and German U-Boats are suddenly finding themselves unable to destroy Allied...
  5. Mumm-Ra

    Dr Aamir Liaquat Passed Away

    Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un
  6. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    The mastermind of Pearl Harbor meets his fate this week in the Solomons, as do a great many Italian airmen and sailors in the Mediterranean in the Palm Sunday Massacre trying to supply the desperate Axis forces in Tunisia.
  7. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    The Allies have one chance left to catch the Axis forces in Tunisia before they can reach the Tunis defences, in the USSR both the Axis and Soviets are making plans for a fight near Kursk, and in the skies, in the South Pacific a Japanese aerial offensive ends and Yamamoto himself flies off to...
  8. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    Adolf Hitler meets with Benito Mussolini to hopefully restore his flagging morale and convince him that the Axis can hold out in North Africa, but the situation there grows more precarious and this week there the Allies advancing from the west and the east link up for the first time. The Axis...
  9. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    American attacks in Tunisia meet with local disaster, but in general the Axis forces are withdrawing there. The Allies learn about the German rocketry plans this week, and both sides are making plans for action in the Pacific.
  10. Mumm-Ra

    Week by week history of WW2

    The phantom submarine that has been savaging both Japanese and Allied shipping in the South Pacific is tracked to Hydra Island, Baron von Strucker's base. The fighting for it is a tough hand-to-hand combat, as Japanese and American soldiers ally with each other in the face of a common enemy.
  11. Mumm-Ra

    What Are You Listening to Right Now - Round 2

    Found these guys after Coke Studio
  12. Mumm-Ra

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    So you would rather have Rambo style justice in all cases
  13. Mumm-Ra

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    I don't think this was due to the current political climate. This seems to be a private altercation and whoever was strong at that time got the upper hand.
  14. Mumm-Ra

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    Yeah. Why don't we all solve our problems this way. Koi Khuda ka khouf khao yr..get them arrested, properly prosecuted and jailed and fined
  15. Mumm-Ra

    N leagues tortures serving army major

    Disappointed. We expected much better from members of the forum who are military personnel.
  16. Mumm-Ra

    Opinion: Imran Khan overthrown because of collision with doctrine of Military Establishment?

    That is one of my biggest criticism on IK. He failed to get these corrupt people behind bars as government prosecution was not able to prove anything against them. The prosecution itself needs a long overdue overhaul but ultimately the buck stops at IK
  17. Mumm-Ra

    My two cents on the reasons for large scale criticism on the army and IK's political future

    And that's the catch. A strong establishment does not want a strong civilian leadership. A strong civil leadership means a strong oversight of the military and the military does not want that at all. You're talking about two things now. I never talked about denuclearization and never said that...
  18. Mumm-Ra

    My two cents on the reasons for large scale criticism on the army and IK's political future

    There is a difference between overstepping your constitutional boundaries to save the country and meddling in civil matters to protect the interests of a few individuals. PA's role can be largely characterized in the latter. If everyone oversteps their boundaries, then hypothetically, what's...
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