Lol... Calling me, as the one changing tracks. Calling me blind doesn't cut it. You are completely blinded with hatred. If you are really going to Malaysia, take an appointment with a good psychiatrist.
I know that you are a dumbo, but I don't know that you are so dumb you don't know the kind of questions you ask and how you berate someone's sacrifice.
Why do you have to mix politics and the development trials of a BMD? Only desperate people trying to shove words out of their mouths into other people's minds.
When will Aaptards understand that a nations security and it's politics must not be mixed.
I am a professor at National security studies at the centre for policy research. I too have written a book and published numerous articles. Do you trust my statement?
Bring what the **** ever you want. But we were never ashamed of our failures. Bring Nirbhay before the next test. After that you will definitely join the brigade that follows selective mutism.
Oh... I'll always bring a MOPED ENGINE.
2 videos are not a failure of a nation my dear troll. And people on this side of the border don't deserve the acknowledgement of a person coming from a country which can't even design a moped engine but boasts about building rockets without failures.
Where is your cream of the crop talent...