I know that Sir life is a precious gift from Allen Pak. And no one had the right to end it with his or her own hand. But praying for his forgiveness is not Haraam. And it is all momineen duty to pray for him.
He wants to leave because he is a good man from a very honorable family. But we can show him and rest of the Pakistani leadership that how much we love him. And this love is all because of his honesty and dedication to his work and specially love for his motherland.
Pakistan has its own way of making its institutions strong. A strong and honest leader can make any institution strong. And general is a time tested man and his presence is better than his retirement.
The man has performed brilliantly so let's start a public campaign for his extension as an Army chief for at least 2 more years. Pakistan is in very crucial and important stage. Zarbe Azab is at its final stage and he has full grip on CPEC. That's why his extension is more beneficial than his...
Zarbe Azab is not over in fact it is entered in its most important and crucial stage and Raheel Sharif has full grip on it alongside some other important matters that's why his extension is beneficial more than his retirement.
The man has performed brilliantly so let's start a public campaign for his extension as an Army chief. Because at this time Pakistan needs him for at least two more years. His departure may effect Zarbe Azab and also the speed of ongoing CPEC projects.
Except some purely pure people we all are corrupt and we want a ruler like Hazrat Umar(PBUH). Please give democracy some time to grow. Yes Nawaz shreef is also corrupt but we don't have better option at the moment.
It's all blessing of Almighty ALLAH that a country like Pakistan is manufacturing the high tech material like trainer aircraft and multirole fighters and exporting them.
As pr my little knowledge about nukes. These are not children battery operated toys so anyone can stole them and explode them anywhere. So a very baseless propaganda.